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See all EU institutions and bodiesTourism and Recreation - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 25)25.1 - Introduction25.2 - Key Concepts: Sustainable Tourism, Indicators and Carrying Capacities25.3 - Environment Impacts of Tourism and Recreation25.3.1 - National parks and protected areas25.3.2 - Rural zones25.3.3 - Mountains25.3.3 1 - Skiing25.3.3.2 - Summer tourism activities25.3.4 - Coastal areas25.3.5 - Cities and heritage sites25.3.6 - Theme and leasure parks25.4 - Outlook25.4.1 - Main determining factors25.4.1.1 - Economic conditions25.4.1.2 - Increased leisure time25.4.1.3 - Demographic factors25.4.1.4 - Socio-cultural factors25.4.1.5 - Increased environmental awareness25.4.1.6 - Reduction in the cost of travel25.4.2 - Types of tourism25.4.2.1 - Mass tourism25.4.2.2 - Activity-based tourism25.4.2.3 - Eco-tourism25.4.3 - Regional trends25.4.3.1 - Central and Eastern Europe25.4.3.2 - The Mediterranean basin25.4.3.3 - Alpine areas25.4.3.4 - Northern European wilderness areas25.5 - Managing for Sustainable Tourism25.6 - Conclusions