Industry - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 20)

20.1 - Introduction20.2 - Definitions of Industry20.3 - Environmental Impacts20.3.1 - Emissions to air20.3.2 - Emissions to water20.3.3 - Soil contamination20.3.4 - Waste20.4 - Resource use by Industry20.4.1 - Energy use20.4.2 - Mining20.4.3 - Water use20.5 - Trends in Manufacturing Activities20.5.1 - Chemicals20.5.1.1 - Cleaning up the chemicals industry20.5.2 - Paper and pulp20.5.3 - Cement20.5.4 - Iron and steel20.5.5 - Non-ferrous metals20.6 - Industry Response to Environmental Factors20.6.1 - A historical perspective20.6.2 - Current developments20.6.3 - Future developments20.7 - Pollution Abatement and Investment Decisions20.8 - Conclusions