Natural and Technological Hazards - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 18)

18.1 - Introduction18.2 - Hazardous Events: A Separate Cause of Impacts18.2.1 - Uncertainity and duration18.2.2 - Impact mechanisms and types of damage18.2.2.1 - Accidents18.2.2.2 - Natural hazards18.3 - Sources and Consequences18.3.1 - Industrial installations18.3.2 - Inland transport and distribution18.3.3 - Marine transport and offshore installations18.3.4 - Nuclear installations and transport of radioactive material18.3.4.1 - Transportation18.3.4.2 - Operation of nuclear installations18.3.4.3 - Abnormal events18.3.4.4 - Environmental effects18. - Important radionuclides18. - Radionuclide distribution18. - Radiation damage to vegetation18. - Radiation damage to fauna18. - Lessons learned and needs18.3.5 - Natural hazards18.3.5.1 - Storms and floods18.3.5.2 - Heatwaves, fires and draughts18.3.5.3 - Earthquakes and volcanoes18.4 - Hazardous Events as a Cause of Damage18.4.1 - Short- and long-term impacts18.4.2 - Relationship with other causes of impacts