Chemicals and GMO's - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 17)

17.1 - Introduction17.2 - Chemicals and Chemical Products17.2.1 - Impacts of chemicals17.2.2 - The sources of chemicals17.2.3 - Selected chemicals of concern17.2.3.1 - Eutrophying substances (nitrogen and phosphorus) - Heavy metals and metalloids17.2.3.3 - Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - Dioxins17.2.3.5 - Oil17.2.3.6 - Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) - Polyvinylchloride (PVC) - Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons17.2.3.9 - Asbestos17.2.3.10 - Washing powders and detergents17.2.3.11 - Pesticides17.2.4 - Conclusions17.3 - Genetically Modified Organisms17.3.1 - Uses and applications17.3.2 - Potential undesirable effects17.3.3 - Risk assessment and risk management17.4 - Conclusions