Noise and Radiation - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 16)

16.1 - Introduction16.2 - Noise16.2.1 - The effects of noise16.2.1.1 - Annoyance16.2.1.2 - Sleep disturbance16.2.1.3 - Interference with communication16.2.1.4 - Extra-auditory effects16.2.1.5 - Low frequency noise and vibrations16.2.1.6 - The effects of noise on wildlife16.2.1.7 - Economic costs16.2.2 - The sources of noise16.2.2.1 - Road-traffic noise16.2.2.2 - Airport and air-traffic noise16.2.2.3 - Rail-traffic noise16.2.2.4 - Noise from industry16.2.2.5 - Recreational activities16.2.2.6 - Overall noise environment in Europe16.2.3 - Policies and strategies for noise abatement16.2.4 - Outlook and conclusions16.3 - Non-Ionising Radiation16.3.1 - Electromagnetic fields16.3.1.1 - Sources16. - Natural16. - Artificial16.3.1.2 - Effects on EMF16.3.1.3 - Policy and research16. - Outlook and conclusions16.3.2 - Ultraviolet radiation16.3.2.1 - Sources16. - Natural16. - Artificial16.3.2.2 - Effects16. - Effects on humans16. - Effects on non-human targets16.3.2.3 - Policies and strategies16.3.2.4 - Oultlook and conclusions16.4 - Ionising Radiation16.4.1 - Sources16.4.1.1 - Natural16.4.1.2 - Artificial16. - Medical exposure16. - Radioactive emissions and waste disposal16. - Radiation accidents16. - Weapon testing16.4.2 - Effects and risks16.4.3 - Policies and strategies16.4.3.1 - Natural exposure16.4.3.2 - Medical exposure16.4.4 - Outlook and conclusions