Waste - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 15)15.1 - Introduction15.2 - Material Life-Cycle15.2.1 - Sources of waste15.2.2 - Waste streams15.2.3 - Management options15.2.4 - Environmental impacts15.3 - Waste Production15.3.1 - Municipal waste15.3.2 - Industrial waste15.3.3 - Hazardous waste15.3.4 - Agricultural waste15.4 - Waste Management15.4.1 - Recycling15.4.2 - Incineration15.4.3 - Composing15.4.4 - Landfill15.5 - Waste Movements15.5.1 - North-South15.5.2 - West-East15.5.3 - Within Western Europe15.6 - Closing Material Cycles15.6.1 - Plastic waste15.6.1.1 - Sources15.6.1.2 - Impacts15.6.1.3 - Options15.6.2 - Packaging waste15.6.2.1 - Sources15.6.2.2 - Impacts15.6.2.3 - Options15.6.3 - Chlorinated solvents15.6.3.1 - Sources15.6.3.2 - Impacts15.6.3.3 - Options15.6.4 - Used tyres15.6.4.1 - Sources15.6.4.2 - Impacts15.6.4.3 - Options15.7 - Contaminated Waste15.7.1 - Contaminated sites15.7.2 - Cost of clean-up15.7.3 - Clean-up priority sites15.8 - Radioactive Waste15.9 - Summary and Conclusions