Known reporting activities

2/20/98 Annex I to Report on Seletion Criteria for the ETC/CDS metadatabase, Table 1 Ebbe Kvist
Classification Series of data Aggregation Reference Notes Freq 5AP Dob+3 Score
Sectors and themes
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP LPS, NUTS3 ETC/AEM CORINAIR 1:1 years y 5
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP 1:1 years ? y 4
PM, abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM y 3
Cd, Hg, dioxines, chlorinated substances, (emis. of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM Iron & steel ind. 1:3 years y 4
pesticides (production, blending, emission of) Baltic catchm HELCOM 1:3 years y 4
PM, NOx, Pb, As, Sb, F (emis. of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM glass ind 1:3 years y 4
NOx, S, abatment (emis. of) Baltic catchm HELCOM pulp & paper ind. 1:3 years y 3
VOC (emis.of) Baltic catchm HELCOM plating ind 1:3 years y 4
Cl, VOC (emis. of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM textile ind. 1:3 years y 4
PM, F, NOx, Cl-compounds (emis. of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM Fertilizer ind. 1:3 years from 2003 onwards y 4
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP LPS, NUTS3 ETC/AEM CORINAIR 1:1 years y 5
Emissions Country 88/609/EEG y 5
SOE Indicator data energy consumption Country OECD 1:2 yeras y 3
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP 1:1 years ? y 4
HCl, Hg, dioxines, CO, Me (emiss of) Baltic catchm HELCOM Waste burning 1:3 years y 4
Energy consumption, trends and by sectors in Mtoe Country EUROSTAT/OECD(IEA) Indicator 2.10, 2.11 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Primary total energy supply, trends and by sources in Mtoe Country EUROSTAT/OECD(IEA) Indicator 2.12, 2.13 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Energy prices Global OECD(IEA) Indicator 2.14 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Energy intensety, energy per unit of GDP Country OECD(IEA)/Eurostat/World Bank Indicator 2.15 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP LPS, NUTS3 ETC/AEM CORINAIR 1:1 years y 5
SOE Indicator data, transports Country OECD 1:2 yeras y 3
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP 1:1 years ? y 4
Passenger Road transport Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.14 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Passenger transport by means Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.14 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Freight Road transport Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.14 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Freight transport by means Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.14 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Passenger cars Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.15 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Road density, km/km2 Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.16, 8.14 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Fuel prices for road transport veichels Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.17 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Fuel consumption for road transport veichels Country EUROSTAT Indicator 4.18 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Number of cars equipped with catalytic converters Country EEA Indicator 5.08 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP LPS, NUTS3 ETC/AEM CORINAIR 1:1 years y 5
SOE Indicator data, crops Country OECD 1:2 yeras y 3
Use of fertilisers Country EUROSTAT Indicator 8.12 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Use of pesticides Country EUROSTAT Indicator 8.13, 9.13 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Sales and apparent consumption of pesticides, tonnes Country FAO ECPA Indicator 9.13 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Water abstraction Country ETC/IW EUROSTAT Indicator 8.13, 9.01 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Irrigated land % of total areas Country ETC/IW Indicator 9.02 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Damage of O3 on crops spec prgm UN/ECE/LRTAP-ICP crops 1:1 years y 3
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP 1:1 years ? y 4
Aquaculture production in tonnes and nbr of farms Closed European Seas ETC/MC, FAO, ICES Indicator 10.05 Dob3 1:5 years y 5
Fish catch by species and area Country and marine areas ETC/MC, FAO, ICES Indicator 10.06 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Fishing techniques, nbr of vessels Country ETC/MC, FAO, ICES Indicator 10.07 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Climate Change
CO2 Emissions and sinks Country 92/72/EEG 1:1 years y 5
SOE Indicator data, GHG Country OECD 1:2 yeras y 3
Carbon storage, CO2, CO, CH4, NMVOC, N2O, NOx, HFC, FC, SF6 sectors according to IPCC FCCC/IPCC 1:1 years y 4
CO2 conc and PM in Svalbard in air and precipitation WMO y 3
Trend in European/global mean temperature Europe WMO Indicator 2.01 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Extent of sea ice Europe Norwegian Polar Inst Indicator 2.03 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
CO2, CH4, N20 conc in atmosphere Global CDIAC, NOAA/CDML Indicator 2.04 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
CO2 (emiss of) Country ETC/AEM Indicator 2.05 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
CO2, CH4, N2O, GWP (emiss of) by sector Country ETC/AEM Indicator 2.06, 2.07, 2.08, 2.09 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
deposition SO4, NO3, NH4, Cl, Ca, Mg, K, conduct., pH, SO2, NO2, soot, O3, NO3-tot, NH4-tot,NOx, VOC a nbr of stations and precipitation UN7ECE/LRTAP/ EMEP y 4
SO2 (emiss of) Country ETC/AEM Indicator 4.01 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
SO2 (emiss of) by sectors Country ETC/AEM Indicator 4.02 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
NOx (emiss of) Country ETC/AEM Indicator 4.03 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
NOx (emiss of) by sectors Country ETC/AEM Indicator 4.04 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
NH3 (emiss of) Country ETC/AEM Indicator 4.05 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
NH3 (emiss of) by sectors Country ETC/AEM Indicator 4.06 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Impacts on materials Selected sites ETC/AQ Indicator 4.08 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Forest damage % trees (four species) that are damaged Country EEA Indicator 4.09 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Lake acidification Areas in Europe ETC/IW - NIVA Indicator 4.10 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Critical Load exceedence Areas in Europe ETC/AQ UNECE/CCE Indicator 4.11 Dob3 1995 y y 5
ox S, ox N and red N (Deposition. of) Areas in Europe ETC/AQ EMEP/MSC West Indicator 4.12 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
pH, SO4, NO3 (conc in precipitation) ? ETC/AQ NILU Indicator 4.13 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Heavy Me and POP and toxoc chem in reindeer selected stations AMAP 4
Hevy Me and POP and toxoc chem in fish selected stations AMAP 4
Heavy Me (emis of) Europe UN/ECE HELCOM OSPARCOM Indicator 6.02 Dob3 1:4 years y 5
PCB's (emis of) Europe ETC/AEM EMEP/CCC Indicator 6.03 Dob3 y 4
Radon concentrations in homes Country EEA Indicator 6.07 Dob3 y 4
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
monitoring of strat. O3 selection of stations WODC contin 3
Stratosph O3 levels Global/selection of stations ETC/AQ Indicator 3.01 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Atmospheric conc of CFC's Global ETC/AQ NOAA Indicator 3.02 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
UV-radiation Europe ETC/AQ Indicator 3.03 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Production of CFC's Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.04 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Sales of CFC's Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.04 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Production of HCFC's Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.05 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Sales of HCFC's Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.05 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Production of halons Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.06 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Sales of halons Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.06 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Production of methyl chloroform Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.07 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Sales of methyl chloroform Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.07 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Production of CCl4 Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.08 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Sales of CCl4 Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.08 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Production of Methyl Bromide Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.09 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Sales of Methyl Bromide Europe ETC/AEM Indicator 3.09 Dob3 1:1 years y 5
Air Quality
Air Q Data Country? 82/459/EEG New Dir 97 y 5
Pb big cities 82/884/EEG y 5
SO2 big cities 80/779/EEG // 89/427/EEG y 5
NO2 big cities 85/203/EEG y 5
O3, NOx nbr of exceedence episodes Country 92/72/EEG y 5
Air Q data C6H6, CO, Cd, As, Ni, Hg, PAH cities>250000 96/82/EEG y 5
SO2, NO2, PM, O3, C6H6, CO, Cd, As, Ni, Hg, PAH cities>250000 96/62/EEG y 5
Hg (emis. of) Baltic catchm HELCOM chloro alkali ind 1:3 years y 4
Hg (emis. of) Katteg/Skager catchm OSPAR chloro alkali ind 1:1 years y 4
Pb (emis. of) Country ETC/AEM Indicator 12.17 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
deposition Heavy Me not yet known UN/ECE/LRTAP/EMEP HM protocoll y 4
deposition POP not yet known UN/ECE/LRTAP/EMEP POP protocoll y 3
wet deposition: NO3, NH4, SO4, Cl, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, As, POP; conc: NO2, NH3+NH4, HNO3+NO3, selected stations HELCOM 1:1 years y 3
NO3, NH4, Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, a-HCH, g-HCH, HCB, DDE, TDE, DDT, aldrine, dieldrine, endrine, PAH, PCBs, heptachlor (wet depos. of) selected stations OSPAR 1:1 years y 3
Hg-tot, Cd, a-HCH, g-HCH, HNO3-N, NO3-N, NO-N, NH3-N, NH4-N, NO2 Kattegat & Skagerack OSPAR 1:1 years y 4
Summer smog episodes, population exposure Country ETC/AQ Indicator 5.01 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Exceedence of O3 treshhold at ground level, maps Europe ETC/AQ EMEP Indicator 5.02 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
VOC (emiss of) Country ETC/AEM Indicator 5.04 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
VOC (emiss of) by sector Country ETC/AEM Indicator 5.05 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
CO (emiss of) Country ETC/AEM Indicator 5.06 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
CO (emiss of) by sector Country ETC/AEM Indicator 5.07 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Particulates (emiss of) Country ETC/AQ Indicator 12.15 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
CO (emiss of), by sector Country ETC/AEM Indicator 12.16 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Water Resources
SOE Indicator data, waters selected rivers and lakes OECD 1:2 yeras y 3
River quality, BOD, COD, P, NO3, etc Large River Catchments ETC/IW Indicator 9.04, 9.05, 9.06 Dob3 intermittent y y 4
Water abstraction m3 Country Eurostat ETC/IW Indicator 9.01 Dob3 1:5 years y y 5
COD, BOD, N-tot, oil, sulphide, phenols, Ar (discharge of) Baltic catchm HELCOM refineries 1:2 yeras y 4
COD, BOD, N-tot, oil, sulphide, phenols, (discharge of) Katteg/Skager catchm OSPAR refineries 1:3 yeras y 4
Ground Water Supervision Country 80/68/EEG y 5
Hg (discharge of) Country 82/176/EEG Chloro Alkali Ind. y 5
Hg (discharge of) Baltic catchm HELCOM chloro alkali ind 1:3 years y 4
Hg (discharge of), production and waste Katteg/Skager catchm OSPAR chloro alkali ind 1:1 years y 4
Bacteria, Algae, Colour, Oil, Detergents, Phenol, Visibility Municipality 76/160/EEG Bathing Water Dir. y 5
Cd (discharge of) Country 83/513/EEG y 5
Cd (production, discharge, usage of) Baltic catchm HELCOM point sources 1:3 years y 4
Hg (discharge of) Country 84/156/EEG Non Chloro Alkali y 5
pesticides (production, blending, discharge of) Baltic catchm HELCOM 1:3 years y 4
Pb, As, Sb, F (discharge of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM glass ind 1:3 years y 4
C6H6Cl6 (discharge of) Country 84/491/EEG y 5
Concentrations Haz Substances (discharge of) Country 86/464/EEG y 5
Sewage Effluents Country 91/271/EEG 1:2 years y 5
Sewage EffluentsŽŽ determinands Baltic catchm HELCOM 1:5 years y 3
Radionucleides from nuclear power plants Baltic HELCOM 1:1 years y 3
Riverine load of chemicals into seas Seas ETC/IW ETC/MC HELCOM OSPARCOM North Sea Task Force Medpol MAP Indicator 9.08 Dob3 1:5 years y y 5
NO3 Surface & Ground Waters Country 91/676/EEG 1:1 years y 5
Water Q 18 determinands 77/795/EEG y 5
Org+Me+Nutrients (discharge of) Catchm Areas "IPPC" new 1997 y 5
a nbr of determinands selection lakes and rivers UN/ECE/LRTAP/ICP waters 1:1 years y 4
Integrated Monitoring mosses, lichens, water chem selection unaffected catchm areas UN/ECE/LRTAP/ICP -EDC y 4
new wetland areas, legislation (change of) Country RAMSAR convention 1:3 years y 3
water chem determinands selection rivers and lakes UNEP/GEMS 1:1 years y 3
Hg, Cd, Cd, Cu, Zn, nutrients, organics river mouths HELCOM 1:3 years y 4
Hg, Cd, Cd, Cu, Zn, nutrients, organics, AOX, Ni, Cr, TOC point sources HELCOM 1:3 years y 4
BOD, COD, Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr6+, Zn, tox Baltic catchm HELCOM chem ind. 1:3 years y 4
Zn, Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni (discharge of) Baltic catchm HELCOM plating ind 1:3 years y 4
Cr, COD, N-tot (discharge of) Baltic catchm HELCOM leather ind 1:3 years y 4
Me (discharge of) Baltic catchm HELCOM Waste burning 1:3 years y 4
Sewage treatment plants nbr with N-purification Baltic catchm HELCOM Sewage treatm 1:3 years y 3
% of population connected to different types of waste water treatment plants Country ETC/IW EUROSTAT Indicator 9.14 Dob3 1:5 years y y 5
COD, AOX, P-tot, tox.tests (discharge. of) treatment Baltic catchm HELCOM textile ind. 1:3 years y 4
susp sol, oil. Pb, Zn (discharge of) treatment Baltic catchm HELCOM Iron & Steel ind 1:3 years from 2000 onwards y 4
NH4-N, N-tot, COD, phenol, CN, PAH Baltic catchm HELCOM Iron & Steel ind 1:3 years from 2003 onwards y 4
Cd, Hg, Zn, P-tot, PO4-P, F (discharge of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM Fertilizer ind. 1:3 years from 2003 onwards y 4
COD, AOX, P-tot, N-tot (discharge of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM Pulp ind. 1:3 years from 2003 onwards y 3
COD, BOD, NH4-N, P-tot (discharge of) abatement Baltic catchm HELCOM Food ind. 1:3 years from 2000 onwards y 3
P-tot, N-tot (discharge of) Katteg/Skager catchm OSPAR Pressure from sectors y 3
N and P source apportionment for discharge Large river catchm areas ETC/IW Indicator 9.07 Dob3 Intermittent y y 4
Eutrophication of lakes, P-tot, Chl A, Transparency, maps Selected lakes ETC/IW Indicator 9.09 Dob3 1:5 years y y 5
Groundwater NO3, pesticides Which? Country ETC/IW Indicator 9.10, 9.11 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Marine Environment
temp, salin, pH, alkal, O2, H2S, PO4, P-tot, NH4, NO3, NO2, SiO2, N-tot Baltic HELCOM 3
Hg, Pb, Cd, in herring, cod etc. Baltic HELCOM 1:1 years 4
hydrography, phyto & zoo plankton, bentofauna Baltic HELCOM 1:1 years 3
dredging and dumping, heavy Me Baltic HELCOM 1:1 years 4
aqua culture, fish breeding, nutrients Baltic HELCOM 1:3 years 3
Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, susp sol., HCH, PCBs, HCs organohalog ???????Katteg & Skag OSPAR pressures from point sources and rivers 1:1 years 4
Hg, Cd, Cu, Zn, HCH, HCB, PAH, dieldrine, Cr, As, Ni, chlordane, TBT, organo-Hg, ???? Katteg & Skag OSPAR 1:1 years 4
Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, PCB (contents in fish and crustacea) Katteg & Skag OSPAR 1:1 years 4
Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, PCB, g-HCH (contents in sediments) Katteg & Skag OSPAR 1:1 years 4
DDE, DDD, DDT, PCB, HCH, HC in biota in some chlordane, dieldrine Baltic HELCOM 1:1 years 4
Radionucleids (discharge of) Katteg/Skager OSPAR 1:4 years 3
nonylphenolethoxylates Katteg/Skager OSPAR pressure from sectors 1:3 years 4
P-tot, N-tot, AOX, chlor subst (discharge of) abatement Katteg/Skager OSPAR pulp ind 1:3 years 4
State of forests Net / Country R 3528/86 Contin. 5
SOE Indicator data on forests Country OECD 1:2 yeras 3
inventories needle losses spec prgm UN/ECE/LRTAP/ICP forest 3
forest ecosystems Country WCMC 3
Nature and Bio-diversity
Birds populations Country 79/409/EEG y 5
Habitats exclusions Country 92/43/EEG 1:2 years y 5
Threatened species, protected areas Country ETC/NC CORINE BIOTOPES (1:5 years) y 4
SOE Indicator data, flora & fauna Country OECD 1:2 yeras y 3
threatened species, flora & fauna & hunting Country UN/ECE intermittent y 3
exception from the convention county BERN convention 1:2 years y 3
protection of migratory species country BONN convention irregular y 3
Effecitveness of conservation activities Country UNEP/CDB convention y 3
Habitat Types, map Country ETC/LC CORINE BIOTOPES, CORINE Landcover, Indicator 8.02 Dob3 ? y y 4
Ecological regions, map Country ETC/NC CORINE BIOTOPES, CORINE Landcover, Indicator 8.01 Dob3 ? y y 4
Threatened or endagered species, % and numbers Country ETC/NC, WCMC, IUCN Indicator 8.03 Dob3 ? y y 5
State and trends of selected species Country ETC/NC, WCMC, IUCN Indicator 8.04, 8.05, 8.06 Dob3 ? y y 5
Status of protected areas and habitats per type Europe ETC/NC, WCMC Indicator 8.07 Dob3 ? y y 5
Map of naturalness Europe ETC/LC, CORINE Land Cover Indicator 8.16 Dob3 ? y y 4
Forest Fires, number and area and map Country FAO/UNECE, EFI Indicator 8:17 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
International trade in endangered species, Europe ETC/NC, CITES Indicator 8:.18 Dob3 ? y y 4
Major protected areas, number and km2 Country ETC/NC, WCMC Indicator 8.19 Dob3 1:13 years y y 4
Internationally protected species in Europe, % of group Europe ETC/NC, CEC, WCMC Indicator 8.20 Dob3 intermittent y y 5
International conventions, ratifications Europe ETC/NC, UN/ECE Indicator 8.21 Dob3 intermittent y 4
Urban Environment
Area with built-up land Country EUROSTAT Indicator 8:15 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Annual average concentration of NO2, exceedence of AQG:s Large Cities ETC/AQ Indicator 12.10 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Annual average concentration of SO2, exceedence of AQG:s Large Cities ETC/AQ Indicator 12.09 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Annual average concentration of Pb Large Cities ETC/AQ Indicator 12.11 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Annual average concentration of C6H6 Large Cities ETC/AQ Indicator 12.12 Dob3 1:1 years y y 5
Winter smog episodes, number of and potential of, map Large Cities ETC/AQ Indicator 12.13, 12.14 Dob3 Intermittent y y 4
Particulate matter, ambient air Qual. Large Cities ETC/AQ Indicator 12.18 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Number of people affected by health effects from exceedances, map Large Cities ETC/AQ, WHO Indicator 12.19 Dob3 1:1 years y y 4
Coastal Zones
Coastal waters P and N concentrations Seas ETC/MC, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, MED-POL/MAP, ICES Indicator 10.02 Dob3 1:5 years y y 5
Coastal waters heavy Me and micropollutants which ? Seas ETC/MC, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, MED-POL/MAP, ICES Indicator 10.03 Dob3 1:5 years y y 5
Load from coastal areas of selected chemicals Seas ETC/MC, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, MED-POL/MAP, ICES Indicator 10.04 Dob3 1:5 years y y 5
Heavy Metals in sewage sludge Country 86/278/EEG 1:4 years 5
SOE Indicator data Country OECD 1:2 yeras 3
Change in farming structure and practices Country FAO, ENOF Indicator 8.10 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Water erosion, map Regions ETC/Soil, ISRIC Indicator 11.01 Dob3 intermittent y 4
Wind erosion, map Regions ETC/Soil, ISRIC Indicator 11.02 Dob3 intermittent y 4
Desertification Regions ETC/Soil, ISRIC Indicator 11.03 Dob3 intermittent y 5
Rural Development: population Country FAO Indicator 8.08 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Biotechnology, usage of Country 90/219/EEG 5
Release of GMO's Country EU commission Indicator 13.04 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Oil Depots Country 96/63/EEG // 91/692/EEG 5
GDP trends index based Country EUROSTAT/OECD Indicator 1.02 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
GDP trends value added per sector % of GDP Country EUROSTAT/OECD Indicator 1.03 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Trends in manuf. industrial production index based Country EUROSTAT/OECD Indicator 1.04 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Trends in manuf. industrial production per industry branch Country EUROSTAT/OECD food, textile, wood, paper, chem, non-metal, basic metal, machinery ind. Indicator 1.05 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Trends in households final expenditures, index based Country EUROSTAT/OECD Indicator 1.09 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Trends in hoseholds waste production, kg per capita Country EUROSTAT Indicator 1.10 Dob3 1:1 yaers y 4
Trends in households water comsumption, l per capita Country MECR, VROM Indicator 1.10 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Chemical Industry, economic growth Country CEFIC Indicator 6.08 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Chemical Industry, volume growth Country EUROSTAT / CEFIC Indicator 6.09 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Chemical Industry,market for end-users Country EUROSTAT / CEFIC Indicator 6.10 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Population inhab. Country UN Indicator 1.13 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Urban population, inhab. Country UN Indicator 12.01 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Population in cities, density inhab per km2 Large Cities UN, unclear Indicator 12.02 Dob3 intermittent y 4
Population density inhab per km2 Country UN Indicator 1.15 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Land use Country FAO databases Indicator 1.16 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Waste generation by sector in tonnes *1000 Country OECD Indicator 7.01 Dob3 1:5 years y 4
Municipial Waste generation per capita in tonnes Country OECD Indicator 7.02 Dob3 1:5 years y 4
Waste Management
Packages Country 94/62/EEG y 5
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP LPS, NUTS3 ETC/AEM CORINAIR 1:1 years y 5
SOE Indicator data, waste handling Country OECD 1:2 yeras y 3
Disposal of Municipial Waste per treatment Country OECD Indicator 7.03 Dob3 1:5 years y y 4
Generation of hazardous waste (unknown unit) Country OECD Indicator 7.05 Dob3 1:5 years y y 3
Disposal of hazardous waste (unknown unit) Country OECD Indicator 7.06 Dob3 1:5 years y y 3
Recycling in % (unkonown of what) Country OECD Indicator 7.04 Dob3 1:1 years y y 3
Import and export of hazardous waste (unknown unit) Country OECD Indicator 7.07 Dob3 1:1 years y y 3
Hg (to wastes) Baltic catchm HELCOM chloro alkali ind 1:3 years y 4
Major accidents
Number of major accidents in industry Country Major accidents Hazards Bureau/JRC-ISEI Indicator 13.01 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Number of nuclear accidents Country IAEA Indicator 13.02 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Number of accidents at sea The seas ITOPF Indicator 13.03 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Land Use
Contaminated sites, (number of) Country ETC/S Indicator 6.01 Dob3 y 4
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP (emis of) LPS, NUTS3 ETC/AEM CORINAIR 1:1 years 4
Land Cover data, CORINE programme squares, 5 ha ETC/LC CORINE LC 1:5 years 4
Land Use Country UN/ECE statistics intermittent 3
Land use in agriculture, km2 and % per type Country FAO Indicator 8.09 Dob3 1:1 years y 4
Livestock in agriculture, animal per group Country FAO Indicator 8.11 Dob3 1:1 years y 4



Annex I to Report on Seletion Criteria for the ETC/CDS metadatabase, Abbreviations used in Annex 1
AMAP Arctic Monitoring Programme for Air Pollution
BERN Bern Convention, Convention on the Conservation of Europen Wildlife and Natural Habitats
BONN Bonn convention, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CCC Chemical Co-ordinating Centre, EMEP
CCE Scientific and technologigal co-operation with the countries of Central Europe
CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.
CEC Commission of the European Communities
CEFIC Conseil européen des fédérations de l'industrie chimique
CITES Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
EEA European Environment Agency
EFI European Forest Institute
EMEP European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
ETC/AEM European Topic Centre For Air Emission
ETC/AQ European Topic Centre For Air Quality
ETC/IW European Topic Centre for Inland Waters
ETC/LC European Topic Centre for Land Cover
ETC/MC European Topic Centre For Marine and Coastal Areas
ETC/NC European Topic Centre for Nature Conservation
ETC/S European Topic Centre For Soils
FAO United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation
FCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change under United Nations
GEMS Global Environment Monitoring System (UNEP)
HELCOM Helsinki Commission (under the Helsinki Convention)
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ICP International Cooperative Programme under LRTAP
ICP/Forest International Cooperative Programme under LRTAP, Forests
ICP/Waters International Cooperative Programme under LRTAP, Waters
IEA International Energy Agency
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, setup by UNEP and WMO
IPPC Integrated Pollution and Prevention and Control, EU legislative approach and Directive
ISRIC International Soil Reference and Information Centre
ITOPF International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd. UK
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources or World Conservation Union
LRTAP Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention
MAP Middle Atmosphere Programme
MEDPOL Barcelona Convention, control of pollution in the Mediterranean region
MSC Meteorological Synthesizing Centre, under EMEP
NILU Norwegian Institute for Air Research
NIVA Norwegian Institute for Water Research
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US)
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OSPARCOM Ospar Convention For The Protection Of The Marine Environment Of The North-East Atlantic
RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands
UN United Nations
UN/ECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNEP United Nations Envronmenl Programme
WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Centre
WHO United Nations' World Health Organisation
WMO United Nations' World Metereological Organisation
WODC World Ocean Data Centre
VROM Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer, NL