The UN Convention on Biological Diversity

Follow-up in EEA Member Countries 1996

Topic report no. 9/1997 - The European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation

by L S Anderson, C E Davies and D Moss
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology

This report was prepared under the supervision of Ulla Pinborg,
Project Manager, European Environment Agency

In 1992 the United Nations global Convention on Biological Diversity was signed in Rio de Janeiro. All parties shall follow-up the intentions of the Convention in their own activities in strategies, plans and policies.

This report contains an analysis of the follow-up activities performed during 1996 by the 18 EEA Member Countries. It concludes that the follow-up process and activities were not easy for any country and that all countries are trying to develop the follow-up work in different ways to reach the goal of safeguarding biodiversity for our future through sustainable and cross-sectorial initiatives.

The report was produced by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, UK, for the European Environment Agency (EEA).

Read the report on the web, or download it as a PDF file (434 Kb)