5.1.Deliverables from the Work Programme

Topic Reports

1 Annual Summary Report 1995 (Topic Report no. 6, 1996)
CORINAIR90 Summary report no. 3 (Large Point Sources) (Topic Report, 1996)
2 Review study on European Urban Emission Inventories (Topic Report, 1996)

Other products

1 Quarterly progress reports (4)
2 Newsletter no. 2
3 Revised CORINAIR software and instruction for use (version 1.01a and 1.01b)
4 Revised methodology for estimation of emissions from aircraft" (has been incorporated in the joint EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook and in the revised IPCC/UNFCCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories), final version.
5 COPERT II, revised software for estimation of emissions for transport (beta-version)
6 Redesigning the CORINAIR software, proposed design, draft.
7 Provisional CORINAIR94 emission estimates (11 source sectors), summary tables and on Internet (ETC/AE Homepage and EEA Homepage)
8 Proposal for the contents of the chapter on climate change for the Dobris+3 report.
9 CORINAIR94 Summary report no. 1, first draft

5.2 Deliverables from the Ad Hoc Support Programme

1 Report on „Human activities and emissions inventories" , contribution to the Guidance Report for the EU air quality directives, final draft;
2 "Monitoring Mechanism of Community CO 2 and other Greenhouse Gas Emissions, National Emission Inventories 1994/1995", report for the Monitoring Committee, draft.
3 Extraction of emission data of 1990 from the ORACLE database for several clients and users.