This report was prepared under the supervision of Gordon McInnes and André Jol, Project Managers,
European Environment Agency

Summary Report 1

Topic report 7/96


Eirch Grösslinger, Klaus Radunsky and Manfred Ritter

European Topic Centre on Air Emissions


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CORINAIR is a programme to establish an inventory of emissions of air pollutants in Europe. It was initiated by the European Environment Agency Task Force and was part of the CORINE (COoRdination d'INformation Environmentale) work programme set up by the European Council of Ministers in 1985.

In 1995 the EEA’s European Topic Centre on Air Emissions (ETC/AEM) took over the CORINAIR programme and finalised several reports on the results of CORINAIR1990. The results of CORINAIR1990 provided the most detailed, complete, consistent and transparent European air emission inventory. This summary report 1 provides for each of the eight pollutants the contribution of individual countries to the total European emissions as well as emissions per main source sector, per capita and per km2 . Report 2 presents an analysis by sub source sector (approximately 60) and report 3 gives an overview of the most important point sources.

In 1995 and 1996 the ETC/AEM continued to assist participating countries to report their national emissions (1994/1995) as required under international conventions and programmes (UNECE/EMEP, UN-FCCC) and based on these reports the ETC/AEM will prepare the European air emission inventory for 1994.

Table of contents




Emissions of air pollutants in Europe in 1990
Major contributors
Emissions per capita
Emissions per  km 2
Largest contributing source groups


1.1 SO x -emissions by countries

1.2 SO x -emissions per group

1.3 SO x -emissions per capita

1.4 SO x -emissions per km 2

Table 1.1: Sulfur oxides emissions per country and group


2.1 NO x -emissions by countries

2.2 NO x -emissions per group

2.3 NO x -emissions per capita

2.4 NO x -emissions per km 2

Table 2.1: Nitrogen oxides emissions per country and group


3.1 NMVOC-emissions by countries

3.2 NMVOC-emissions per group

3.3 NMVOC-emissions per capita

3.4 NMVOC-emissions per km 2

Table 3.1: Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds emissions per country and group


4.1 CH 4 -emissions by countries

4.2 CH 4 -emissions per group

4.3 CH 4 -emissions per capita

4.4 CH 4 -emissions per km 2

Table 4.1: Methane emissions per country and group


5.1 CO-emissions by countries

5.2 CO-emissions per group

5.3 CO-emissions per capita

5.4 CO-emissions per km 2

Table 5.1: Carbon monoxide emissions per country and group


6.1 CO 2 -emissions by countries

6.2 CO 2 -emissions per group

6.3 CO 2 -emissions per capita

6.4 CO 2 -emissions per km 2

Table 6.1: Carbon dioxide emissions per country and group


7.1 N 2 O-emissions by countries

7.2 N 2 O-emissions per group

7.3 N 2 O-emissions per capita

7.4 N 2 O-emissions per km 2

Table 7.1: Nitrous oxide emissions per country and group


8.1 NH 3 -emissions by countries

8.2 NH 3 -emissions per group

8.3 NH 3 -emissions per capita

8.4 NH 3 -emissions per km 2

Table 8.1: Ammonia emissions per country and group

Table 9: Emissions in kg per capita

Table 10: Emissions in kg per km 2

Legend to tables 1.1. - 10

Summary tables Croatia


CORINAIR 90 is a study of emissions of air pollutants in Europe. It was initiated by the European Environment Agency Task Force and was part of the CORINE (COoRdination d'INformation Environmentale) work programme set up by the European Council of Ministers on 27 June 1985 (Decision 85/338/EEC). The CORINAIR 90 inventory has been completed by the Euroipean Environment Agency’s Topic Centre on Air Emission (ETC/AE) as part of the Agency’s work programme.

The aim of CORINAIR 90 was to produce a complete, consistent and transparent emission inventory for the air pollutants:

  • sulfur oxides (SOx as SO2 )
  • nitrogen oxides (NOx as NO2)
  • non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC)
  • methane (CH4)
  • carbon monoxide (CO)
  • carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • nitrous oxide (N2O)
  • ammonia (NH3).

In addition to the twelve EU countries in 1990 (Belgium, Denmark, France, the former West Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom), the five EFTA-5 countries (Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland), the ten PHARE countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia) and Croatia, Malta and former East Germany have been participating in CORINAIR 90. Data for Belgium are reported for the whole country and separately for the Flemish and Wallonie regions. For Croatia only for SOx and NOx data were available in the database and are thus reported. For the other pollutants summary tables were delivered by Croatia, which are presented in a separate annex. Therefore SOx and NOx data are presented for 31 different countries / regions and data for the other pollutants for 30 countries / regions.

The former West and East Germany are presented separately and the former East Germany has been excluded from EU-12 but included in EU-15 since the reunification of Germany did not occur until October 1990.

This emission inventory is based on the data gathered by national experts in individual countries and prepared according to a common format supplied by CITEPA (France). It is the willingness of the countries involved and their national experts to participate which has made this first European emission inventory possible.

All countries (with the exception of Switzerland) have notified the EEA that their CORINAIR 90 inventory is final. "Final" means that the inventory has been submitted to a number of consistency checks, adjustments and updates and no further changes are expected from the national expert. However, minor adjustments may be made to improve consistency between countries before publication of the Final CORINAIR 90 Report. The data for EUROPE (including all countries) and for the EU-12, EU-15 and EFTA-5 groups are also only provisional.

"Final" status data may be used freely, bearing in mind the above comment that minor changes may still occur. The data should be referenced as European Environment Agency: CORINAIR 90 Summary Report no. 1, 1995. Some data on single large point sources are not published within these reports as some of these data are confidential in many countries.

It should be noted that the data reported here from CORINAIR90 are not fully consistent with those reported in line with the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories under the UN Framework Climate Change Convention or the EU Decision on a Monitoring Mechanism for CO2 and other greenhouse gases. CORINAIR90 data have been used by several countries as a basis for such reporting but this requires careful re-allocation and re-aggregation between reporting categories as highlighted in the IPCC Guidelines and some gaps and inconsistencies remain to be resolved between IPCC and the EEA.

It should also be noted that the data in CORINAIR 90 are not fully consistent with those in CORINAIR 85. For example the number of sources for NMVOC has been increased and emission factors for NOx for traffic are not consistent for the two datasets. Therefore no comparisons have been made for SOx, NOx and NMVOC between the data for 1985 and 1990.

The results of CORINAIR 90 appear initially in a series of three reports to be published by the European Environment Agency in 1997.

This first report provides for each pollutant the summary of CORINAIR 90. For each pollutant it gives the contribution of individual countries to the total European emissions as well as emissions per main source group, per capita and per km2 and the emissions for groups of countries (EU-12, EU-15, EFTA-5 and PHARE-10).

Further summary reports on CORINAIR 90 focus on the following items:

  • report 2 presentation and analysis by sub-group split
  • report 3 large point sources

These reports are being made available by the European Environment Agency for use by policy makers, researchers, convention secretariat and the general public.

The results of CORINAIR 90 provide the most detailed, complete, consistent and transparent European atmospheric emission inventory to date. However the results are estimates of actual emissions with significant uncertainties in some cases. Furthermore, some gaps and inconsistencies remain. Comments and observations on the results presented in this series of reports are welcome to assist in the short-term verification of CORINAIR 90 and the longer term development of the methodology.


The following national experts made contributions to the CORINAIR 90 exercise:





Mr. Erich Grösslinger

Federal Environmental Agency, Vienna

Belgium, Flemish region

Mme Myriam Rosier

Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij Emissie Inventaris, Aalst

Belgium, Wallonie region

Mr. Yves Goblet

Institut Wallon, Namur


Mr. Dimov

Ministry of Environment, Sofia


Mr. Vladimir Jelavic

Energy Research & Envir. Protection Institute, Zagreb

Czech Republic

Ms. Hana Kratka

Czech Hydrometerological Institute, Praha


Mr. Niels A. Kilde

RISO National Laboratory


Mr. Leo Saare

Estonian Environment Information Centre, Tallin


Mr. T. Säynätkari

Haapaniemenktu 5a, Helsinki


Mr. J.P. Fontelle



Mr. Dietmar Koch

Federal Environmental Agency, Berlin


Mr. F. Sakellariadou

Univ. of Piraeus, Dept. of maritime Studies, Piraeus


Mr. J. Kutas

Institute for Environment Protection, Budapest


Mr. M. McGettigan

Environment Research Unit, Dublin


Mr. D. Gaudioso

ENEA C.R.E. Casaccia, S. maria Di Galeria


Mr. I. Krumins

Environment Protection Commettee, Riga


Mr. M. Terioshina

Ministry of Environment, Vilnius


Mr. Theo Weber

Administration de l’Envir.


Mr. Joseph Callus

Department of Environment Protection, Vitoriosa


Mr. C.W.A. Evers

Ministry of Envir. Inspectorate for Envir. Protect.


Mr. Gabriel Kielland

Statens Forurensningstilsyn, Oslo


Mr. Wanda Pazdan

Environment Protection Agency ATMOTERM, Opole


Mr. R.N. Goncalves

Direccao Geral de Gualidade do Amoiente, Lisboa


Mr. M. Lesnik

SPL. , Bucharest

Slovak Republic

Ms. K. Mareckova

Department of Air Pollution Monitoring, Slovak Hidrometeorological Institute, Bratislava


Mr. Bojan Rode

Hidrometeorogikac Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana


Mr. A. Cristobal

MOPT & Medio Ambiente, Madrid


Mr. Ebbe Kvist

Swedish Envir. Protect. Agency, Solna


Mr. Jürg Baumann

Federal Office of Envir. Forests and Landscape, Bern

United Kingdom

Mr. H.S. Eggleston

NAEI-AEA Technology, Culham - Abingdon

Their contributions are greatly acknowledged. Thanks also to Gordon McInnes (European Environment Agency), J.P. Fontelle and J.P. Chang (CITEPA) for organising and managing the CORINAIR 90 exercise and to Mr. Z. Samaras (Aristotle University Thessaloniki) and M. K.-H. Zierock (EnviCon) for their contribution to transport emission data.

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