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This section deals with the process by which sites could be selected by outlining the options that should be tested in the first phase of network implementation. It would be the intention that the site selection procedure would be modified where necessary in the light of experience gained in the pilot implementation during 1996. In addition, numbers of sites per station type have been given based on existing data sources, largely the review of current surface monitoring undertaken for DGXI and the Agency (Kristensen and Bøgestrand 1996).
The section has the following main recommendations.
- The sampling sites to be included into the EEA network should be selected from the sampling sites in national monitoring programmes supplemented by additional sites to meet the requirement of the EEA. In cases where no national monitoring programmes exist, the sites to be included will, if possible, be selected from regional sampling sites.
- The network should be a representative sub-sample of the inland water bodies of the EEA area.
- The sampling sites to be included in the network should be selected so that they are representative of:
- the size/numbers/types of water bodies in the EEA area (e.g. lake surface area);
- the variation in human pressures (e.g. population density and land use);
- and should include a number of reference and flux sites.
8.1 Definition of river and monitoring stations
8.1.1 Types of river
If a stratified network design is to be used then there are aspects of the target population (e.g. all rivers in Europe) that require definition and identification. First the types of water body to be sampled needs to be defined. At present the emphasis in many States appears to be on the sampling of the most important rivers, lakes and aquifers in terms of, for example, their size, status or use (e.g. for drinking water). These water bodies are likely to be a small proportion of the total river or lake population in terms of length or surface area. In some countries smaller rivers and streams, especially headwaters, may not be so intensively sampled even though headwaters are very important ecologically and some would be particularly susceptible to the effects of acidification. The combined length of small streams would also be a large percentage of the total river length in a country.
Definitions will often be somewhat arbitrary because one is trying to classify into compartments what is, in reality in most cases, a continuum of types not discrete packages. However, for the purposes of this network we have defined rivers as small, medium and large. Their selection would ideally be based on their appearance on a 1:50,000 scale map but, practically, for many States would relate to 1:250,000 maps which have been digitised for GIS. Size of rivers may also relate to flow, width, stream order, catchment area or altitude. There are advantages and disadvantages with each of these often interrelated descriptors. In addition, the information associated with many of the descriptors is often not readily available.
Stream order appears to be a good option but would require the consistent use of the same scale maps in site selection. The EEA have undertaken a pilot study on digitising Europe’s catchments on a 1:50,000 scale but such maps would not currently be available for most countries. Stream order (sensu Strahler) would then have to be defined on 1:250,000 scale maps. Small would equate to 1 to 3rd order, Medium to 4 or 5th order, and Large to 6th order or greater. Catchment area might also be a good indicator but there would be difficulty in defining a cut-off catchment area for small and medium rivers, for example. Also, catchment details may be missing for some countries. Altitude would be readily available from most maps and so it is suggested that for the pilot study rivers be to be characterised by a combination of stream order and altitude.
Morris and Kronvang (1994) estimated the river length for each country in the EEA area (using a sub-sample of areas from 1:50,000 maps where possible) (Table 8.1). On this basis, it was estimated that the EEA area contains approximately 2 million km of rivers which is equivalent to approximately 0.65 km per km2 of the surface area of the EEA area. This estimate only applies to rivers significant enough to be mapped at 1:50,000 and artificial drainage ditches are excluded. The estimated river lengths from this study are generally 2 to 3 times greater than the countries report as the national river length. Ireland, for instance, reports its river length as 13,000 km compared to the 33,700 km estimate from the 1:50 000 maps.
Table 8.1 General characterisation of rivers and streams in the EEA area.
Country | Area (km 2 ) | River length 1 (L km) | Length per surface area (km-L per km 2 ) | River length given by countries | Number of river mouths 2 |
Austria | 83,855 | 47,000 | 0.56 | 100,000 | 0 |
Belgium | 30,519 | 22,600 | 0.74 | NI | 6 |
Denmark | 43,092 | 28,000 | 0.65 | 62,000 | 281 |
Finland | 338,145 | 159,000 | 0.47 | 20,000 | 526 |
France | 547,026 | 563,000 | 1.03 | 273,000 | 370 |
Germany | 357,000 | 179,000 | 0.50 | NI | 184 |
Greece | 131,957 | NI | NI | NI | 352 |
Iceland | 103,000 | NI | NI | NI | NI |
Ireland | 70,285 | 33,700 | 0.48 | 13,000 | 341 |
Italy | 301,268 | 136,000 | 0.45 | NI | 902 |
Luxembourg | 2,586 | 1,330 | 0.51 | NI | 0 |
Netherlands | 41,864 | 20,100 | 0.48 | NI | 27 |
Norway | 324,219 | 210,000 | NI | NI | 1024 |
Portugal | 91,949 | 172,000 | 1.87 | NI | 1137 |
Spain | 504,782 | 172,000 | 0.34 | NI | NI |
Sweden | 449,964 | 315,000 | 0.70 | NI | 702 |
United Kingdom | 244,103 | 171,000 | 0.70 | 53,500 | 1362 |
EEA Area | 3,665,614 | 2,200,000 | 0.65 | - | 7200 |
NI No information
1 Based on 1:50,000 maps;
2 From Morris and Kronvang (1994) based on 1:200,000 or 1:250,000 maps
Table 8.2 gives an estimate of the number of rivers in the EEA area (excluding Iceland) with catchments of specified sizes. These could be used to stratify sampling sites according to the size of catchment area.
Table 8.2 Estimated distribution of rivers according to catchment area (based on estimates from Morris and Kronvang, 1994)
Catchment area (km 2 ) | Number of rivers in the EEA area |
>10,000 | 123 to 140 |
>5,000 | 280 |
>2,500 | 420 to 490 |
>1,000 | 800 to 1,200 |
>500 | 1,000 to 2,500 |
>250 | 1,500 to 4,200 |
>100 | 10,000 |
8.1.2 Types of monitoring site
The need for different types of monitoring site or station has been discussed in Section 4, and for the purposes of this section the following station types have been used.
- Reference sites located on rivers in natural catchments with little or no human activity and with greater than 90% natural landscape. It is likely that such sites will not be present in some parts of Europe.
- Baseline stations in the context of surface water quantity monitoring which may be required to characterise the generality of run-off behaviour of the region or country.
- Representative sites that can give a spatial and temporal general assessment of quality and quantity across Europe.
- Impact sites could form part of the representative network for the collection of supportive and interpretative information, or could form separate impact strata within which sites could be randomly selected. Impact networks could reflect general human activities, for example, urbanisation and agriculture, or more specific impacts such as acidification or saltwater intrusion into aquifers.
- Flux sites established where rivers discharge into sea, or cross-national boundaries, or there is interchange between surface and groundwater.
8.1.3 Examples of stratification options for rivers
Table 8.3 illustrates how a river-sampling network might be stratified to provide information on the general quality of small, medium and large rivers. As described in previous sections there would also be a need for reference sites which would be selected randomly from all rivers that met the reference criteria. Flux sites would be selected on the basis of location in relation to VALIGN="TOP">
The sites representative of general quality identified in Table 8.3 could be established and later divided into different types of impact sites based on the supportive information gathered, e.g. land-use, catchment altitude, population density. The disadvantage here would be if areas impacted by different human activities were over or under representatively sampled. An additional layer or stratum could be added if part of the target population was not being representatively sampled, for example, a stratum based on altitude. Such a potential stratification is shown in Table 8.4. This should ensure that upland and lowland headwaters were representatively sampled.
The next, higher, level of definition of strata (Table 8.5) might include differentiation between impacted and non-impacted sites, and within impacted sites between different causal activities, land-use, population etc. Each additional strata would increase the need for supportive information by which the target population can be defined, and for definitions such as what population density represents an urbanised catchment, what proportion of agricultural use a predominately agricultural catchment, the predominant agricultural use, a forested catchment. These definitions would require the assistance of other EEA Topic Centres and may require revision in the light of experience with the network developed during pilot implementation.
Table 8.4 Potential mid-level stratification of rivers into target populations for sampling
Type of monitoring site | Relative size (1:250,000) | small rivers (1 to 3rd order) | medium rivers (4 to 5th order) | large rivers (6th order and above) |
Relative European altitude (class) | a | b | c | d | e | a | b | c | d | e | a | b | c | d | e |
Reference | ||||||||||||||||
Representative | ||||||||||||||||
Flux |
Altitude classes: a = >800m, b = 500 to 800m, c = 200 to 500m, d = 100 to 200m, e = <100m
Within impact networks there may also be a case of establishing upstream and downstream sites for comparison purposes. This would be relatively straightforward in the case of large towns and cities but more difficult for more diffuse sources such as from agricultural land. In the latter case they might be established where there is a significant change in land-use. In all cases sites should be located downstream of point sources of contaminants e.g. sewage works discharges and at a point where the effluent has become fully mixed within the flow, in other words downstream of the mixing zone. The latter varies with river discharge and as such should be established at the worst case conditions. Europe’s largest and most important rivers would presumably be included in the flux stations as most would be industrialised and urbanised and potentially the most polluted.
There may also be a case for stratification on a regional basis reflecting biogeographic or hydrological regions of Europe.
Table 8.5 Potential high level stratification of rivers into target populations for sampling
Type of monitoring site | Relative size (1:250,000 map) | small rivers (1 to 3rd order) | medium rivers (4 to 5th order) | large rivers (6th order and above) |