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European Freshwater

Monitoring Network design

European Topic Centre on Inland Waters

Topic report no 10/96

Edited by S. C. Nixon

November 1996

This report was prepared under the supervision of N. Thyssen, Project Manager,
European Environment Agency

This report describes in detail the design of a freshwater monitoring network proposed for improvement of quantitative assessment of water resources - aquifers, rivers, lakes and reservoirs - across Europe.

The proposed network is designed to give a representative view or assessment of water types within a Member Country and also across the EEA area. It will ensure that similar types of water bodies are compared. The need to compare like-with-like has led to a stratified design with the identified and defined strata containing similar water bodies. The use of the same criteria for selecting strata and water types across Member countries will ensure that valid comparisons can be made.

The network will be representative of the size/numbers/types of water bodies (eg, small rivers, mountain lakes), 3336 7199


European Freshwater Monitoring Network Design

(c) EEA, Copenhagen, 1996