WHO/EURO Home page


Beaglehole R. et al., Basic epidemiology, World Health Organization, Geneva, 1993.

Briggs, D. Corvalan, C. Nurminen, M. (UNEP/USEPA/WHO), Linkage Methods for Environmental and Health Analysis, World Health Organization, (WHO/EHG/95.26), Geneva, 1995.

Department of Health, Handbook on air pollution and health, London, 1997.

Elsom D., Atmospheric pollution, 2nd edition, Blackwell, Oxford, 1992.

EMEP Task Force, Atmospheric emission inventory guidebook, European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 1996.

European Environment Agency, Air Pollution in Europe, Copenhagen, 1997.

Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Second Assessment: Climate Change, WHO/UNEP, London, 1995.

Jörgen Hellberg, Air Pollution Costs Billions, Swedish EPA, (Enviro N° 21), Stockholm, 1996.

Quality of Air Review Group, annual report, Department of the Environment, Bradford, 1993.

United States Environmental Protection Agency, What you can do to reduce air pollution, (EPA 450-K-92-002 air and radiation [ANR 443]), Washington D.C, 1992,.

Westerholm R. & Wijk A., Vehicle exhausts, Stockholm, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, (Report 4528),, Stockholm, 1996,

WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Concern for Europe's tomorrow, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 1995.

WHO Regional Office for Europe and European Environment Agency, Environment and Health: Overview and Main European Issues, (WHO Regional Publications, European Series N°68), Copenhagen, 1996.

WHO Regional Office for Europe, Air quality guidelines for Europe, (WHO Regional Publications, European Series, N°23), Copenhagen, 1987 .