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Recommendation 1

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Local authorities should, if necessary, monitor and assess air quality in their area. It will enable them to set priorities for reducing pollution and, if required, to draw up an air quality management plan (AQMP).

At the very minimum an AQMP should include:

  • air quality standards for each of the main pollutants of concern;
  • dates for meeting WHO, EU or national standards:
  • proposals for reducing pollution levels.

Co-operation between local authorities would reduce the cost of such monitoring

Recommendation 2

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Local authorities should aim to reduce progressively concentrations of air pollutants until they reach WHO, EU or national guidelines and standards.

  • This will require discussing the details of the AQMP with businesses, the public and other stakeholders, and agreeing timetables for implementation.
  • As road transport is a major source of local pollution, any local AQMP will need to include measures for controlling and restricting traffic.
  • Other priorities, depending on local conditions, are industrial emissions and smoking in public places.
  • Support from, and co-operation with national air quality plans, will be necessary.

Recommendation 3

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Local authorities should inform the public about local concentrations of air pollutants, possible effects on health, and the action to take to minimise any health risks.

There are many things which individual citizens can do to improve local air quality and thus their quality of life, but to do so they need to have information about pollution levels, the adverse effects of pollution and what they can do to improve the situation. It is important that such advice should be the same as that provided by other local authorities and by national governments so that confusion is avoided.