Teachers' notes

Exploring Europe's Environment is a unique multimedia resource for schools, offering new and exciting ways of exploring European environmental issues with students of 11-16.

This flexible product draws extensively on Europe's Environment: The Dobris-Assessment - the most detailed and comprehensive review available on the state of the environment in Europe. Four key themes are covered in a rich mixture of text, maps, photographs and statistical data:

  • Water and Rivers
  • Coasts and Seas
  • Forests
  • Urban Areas.

It is hoped that other key themes or issues might be added in the future.

The disk contains a collection of up-to-date data and real case studies drawn from the European Environment Agency, WWF and European schools involved in environmental projects. Windows compatible software with simple exporting means that users can view, select and export items into word processing, desktop publishing and spreadsheet packages. Exported materials can be used in a variety of ways: for example, in student workbooks and coursework investigations, or by teachers developing their own classroom materials, - student resource sheets and OHPs.

To help teachers and students get the most out of the software, the comprehensive 130 page handbook provides teaching ideas and classroom approaches which draw on the experience and work of WWF education staff and teachers across Europe. Background notes, resource sheets and student worksheets support the activities, covering key areas of Science, Geography, English, Maths and IT as well as being of use to Language teachers.

Hardware requirements for the disk element:
An IBM PC compatible
running Windows 3.1
or later
VGA monitor
(SVGA recommended)
High density 3 511 floppy disk drive

Table of contents
AN INTRODUCTION TO Exploring Europe's Environment

The background to the project
Using the materials
Using the Data Bulletin software
Schools linking in Europe


Activity 1 Crossword clues
Activity 2 Associations'and stories
Activity 3 Where I live
Activity 4 Choosing graphs
Activity 5 A day in the life of...
Activity 6 What are we doing to the Earth?
Activity 7 Quiz time
Activity 8 My own agenda 21
Activity Sheets
Resource Sheets


What are the key issues?
Activity 9 Water, water everywhere?
Activity 10 The water we drink
Activity 11 A common asset and a collective responsibility
Activity 12 Individual sewage treatment
Activity 13 Water - in search of an owner
Activity 14 Where the river flows
Activity 15 The Common Crane - transfrontier traveller
Activity 16 What future for Donana
Activity Sheets
Resource Sheets


What are the key issues?
Activity 17 What shall we do on our holidays?
Activity 18 How can tourists look after the environment?
Activity 19 Coastal regions - for whose benefit?
Activity 20 Whose beach is it?
Activity 21 A message in a bottle
Activity 22 Plankton as indicators of environmental quality
Activity 23 Plenty more fish in the sea... or not?
Activity Sheets
Resource Sheets


What are the key issues?
Activity 24 Earth - the green planet?
Activity 25 Forest damage
Activity 26 Forest fires
Activity 27 Forests and pollution
Activity 28 Biodiversity
Activity 29 Wildlife rescue
Activity 30 Forest food chatns
Activity Sheets
Resource Sheets


What are the key issues?
Activity 31 The 3 'Rs' of 'Rubbish'
Activity 32 Comparing waste
Activity 33 Air quality in cities
Activity 34 Urban heat islands
Activity 35 Turning down the heat
Activity 36 Traffic and us
Activity 37 Getting around
Activity 38 Bicycles in European cities
Activity 39 Nature in urban areas
Activity 40 Visit our town
Activity 41 The town in the 21st century
Activity Sheets
Resource Sheets

Credits and acknowledgements
Guide to using the Data Bulletin software

Available from Earthscan Publications Ltd.

First published in the UK in 1997 by
Earthscan Publications Ltd

Copyright: data and content - European Environment Agency, 1997
Data Bulletin software - WWF-UK, 1997

WWF-UK lS a Registered Chartty. No. 201707

All rights resened. The material in this publication may be photocopied for use within the purchasing education institution only. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may other. vise be made, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

The disks contained within this pack and their contents are protected under copyright Iaw. It is a criminal offence to commercially make for sale or hire or to distribute an infringing copy of any part of this work. However, the purchase of this pack does constitute a site licence for the purchasing education institution, which may export and print items from the disks for educational purposes.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 185383 442 4

Design: Schermuly Design Co., London
Pnnted and boxnd by: Duston Baldock Production, Northampton
IllHstrations and cover artwork: Sharon Smith and Janos Marffy
Picture credits for section title pages: p23 - Michael St Maur Sheil, CEC-DGXI; p49 - Brian Massey/WWF-UK; p69 - P J Banks/WWF-UK;p91- Frank Spooner Pictures

For a fxll list of publications, please contact: Earths can Publications Lt d 120 Pentonville Road London Nl 9JN Tel: 0171278 0433 Fax: 0171278 1142 email: earthinfo@earthscan.co.uk http://www.earthscan.co.uk

Earthscan is an editorially independent subsidiary of Kogan Page Ltd and publishes in association with WWF-UK and the International Institute for Environment and Development.