

Localisation of the 211 facilities accounting for 50 % of the aggregate damage costs from main air pollutants and greenhouse gases (2017)

Figure Created 16 Sep 2021 Published 29 Sep 2021 Last modified 21 Sep 2021
1 min read
The figure presents the location of the top 50% polluting facilities in 2017, accounting for damage from main air pollutants and greenhouse gases. Colour code and size of circles indicate the size range of estimated damage. Mortality caused by the main air pollutants has been valued using the VOLY.

European data


Additional information

VOLY refers to the fact that in this estimate mortality due to exposure to the main air pollutants is estimated in terms of life years lost and valued by  the value of a life year (VOLY). In an alternative higher estimate mortality is estimated in terms of premature deaths and monetised with the value of statistical life (VSL). Facilities considered in this estimate have been those reporting emissions of the main air pollutants and greenhouse gases to the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) in 2017.


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