
Energy support measures and their impact on innovation in the renewable energy sector in Europe

Publication Created 15 Dec 2014 Published 15 Dec 2014
1 min read
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Governments support energy production and consumption in order to meet social, economic and environmental objectives, and they have been doing so for decades. In times of economic crisis, public budgets and household incomes come under pressure. At the same time, countries need to kick‑start their economies by creating new employment opportunities in emerging industries such as the renewable sector. This report examines the support allocated to energy production and consumption in Europe and its impact on innovation in renewable energy.
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Publication Created 15 Dec 2014 Published 15 Dec 2014
1 min read
Technical report No 21/2014
Governments support energy production and consumption in order to meet social, economic and environmental objectives, and they have been doing so for decades. In times of economic crisis, public budgets and household incomes come under pressure. At the same time, countries need to kick‑start their economies by creating new employment opportunities in emerging industries such as the renewable sector. This report examines the support allocated to energy production and consumption in Europe and its impact on innovation in renewable energy.


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: 978-92-9213-507-2
: TH-AK-14-021-EN-N

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