

Topic report 6/97


Dietmar Koch

European Topic Centre on Air Emissions

January 1997

This report was prepared under the supervision of André Jol, Project Manager,
European Environment Agency


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This report provides a summary of activities and products from the European Environment Agency's Topic Centre on Air Emissions (ETC/AE) during 1996.

ETC/AE started work with National Reference Centres (NRCs) on the CORINAIR94 Air Emission Inventory based on proposals and recommendations prepared by ETC/AE in 1995. The CORINAIR94 software was distributed to all participating EEA (18) as well as to other countries, for example in Central and Eastern Europe. Preliminary CORINAIR94 emission estimates provided by NRCs to ETC/AE were published by the Agency in mid 1996. A more complete update of the 1994 emission data will be published by the Agency later in 1997. The main attributes and outputs from ETC/AE are presented in this report.

Table of contents

1. Background
2. Work Programme

2.1. Tasks, Clients and the User Needs
2.2. Project SA1 - General Approach and Assessment
2.3. Project SA2 - Air Emissions Inventories 1990 and 1994/95
2.4. Relation to Other Projects

3. Progress in 1996

3.1. Assistance to National Reference Centres
3.2. Project SA2 - Air Emissions Inventories 1990 and 1994/95

3.2.1. Emissions Inventories
3.2.2. Model for Emissions Inventories and Projections
3.2.3. Urban Emissions Inventories
3.2.4. Preparation for Assessment Reports

4. Ad Hoc Support to the Agency
5. Deliverables/Outputs Produced in 1996

5.1. Deliverables from the Work Programme
5.2. Deliverables from the Ad Hoc Support Programme

6. Workshops & Meetings

6.1. Review of the Workshops Held over the Year
6.2. First Workshop
6.3. Second Workshop
6.4. Main Meetings Attended by ETC Members

7. ETC Management and Co-ordination
8. Proposed Work Programme for 1997

8.1. Subvention 1996 (Continuing until 31 March 1997)
8.2. Subvention 1997

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