

Contribution of buses and trains (collective transport modes) and inland waterways and trains (non-road transport modes) to inland passenger transport and freight transport, respectively, in the EU-27

Figure Created 14 Dec 2022 Published 24 Jan 2023 Last modified 22 Dec 2023
2 min read
The figure shows the share of bus and trains (collective modes) and of inland waterways and trains (non-road modes) in total inland passenger and freight transport activity respectively in the EU-27.

European data


Additional information

Total inland passenger transport activity includes transport by passenger cars, buses and coaches, and trains. Total inland freight transport activity includes transport by road, rail and inland waterways. The absolute activities (in billion pkm[1] or tkm[2]) in the EU-27 for passenger and freight transport have been included for reference.

[1] passenger kilometre (pkm) indicates the transport of one passenger over a distance of one kilometre

[2] tonne kilometre (tkm) indicates the transport of one tonne of goods over a distance of one kilometre


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage


Filed under:
Filed under: modal shift, mobility
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