

Primary and final energy consumption in the EU, 2005-2016, 2020 and 2030 targets and 2050 indicative levels of the EU Energy Roadmap

Figure Created 10 Dec 2019 Published 11 Dec 2019 Last modified 11 Dec 2019
2 min read
The solid line shows the development of primary energy consumption and final energy consumption. The dashed lines show the linear trajectories until 2030 and to the 2050 scenario results from the Commission's 2050 long term strategy.


Additional information

The 2020 target represents energy savings of 20 % from levels projected for 2020 in the Commission's Energy Baseline Scenario. The indicative 2030 energy efficiency target represents an improved energy efficiency of at least 30 % compared with 2030 projections in the same Energy Baseline Scenario. The 2050 scenario range illustrates the an average of eight scenarios published in the Commission's 2050 long term strategy.

In this assessment the target is expressed as a relative change compared to 2005 levels of EU primary energy consumption, to show the required reduction in primary energy consumption over time. The year 2005 was chosen because it is used as a base year for GHG (in the EU ETS and under the ESD) and for renewable energy targets. It also corresponds to a peak in energy consumption in the EU.


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