

Potential environmental and economic impact of climate change

Figure Created 14 Nov 2012 Published 29 Nov 2012 Last modified 21 Dec 2016
1 min read
(Environmental) Combined potential impacts of changes in summer and winter precipitation, heavy rainfall days, annual mean temperature, summer days, frost days, snow cover days and annual mean evaporation on soil erosion, soil organic carbon content, protected natural areas and forest fire sensitivity. (Economic) Combined potential impacts of changes in annual mean evaporation, summer days, snow cover days, frost days, changes in inundation heights of a 100 year river flood event and a sea level rise adjusted 100 year coastal storm surge event on agriculture, forestry, summer and winter tourism, energy supply and demand.


Additional information

Normalised potential impacts aggregated from individual impact indicators on protected natural areas, forest fire prone forests, soil organic carbon and soil erosion (environmental) and agriculture and forestry, energy production and consumption as well as summer and winter tourism (economic).


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Filed under: climate change
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