

Nitrogen surplus and exceedances of critical nitrogen inputs to agricultural land in view of adverse impacts on water quality

Figure Created 13 Sep 2019 Published 03 Dec 2019 Last modified 22 Oct 2019
3 min read
The map shows the calculated nitrogen surplus (inputs minus crop removal) and exceedance of critical nitrogen inputs to agricultural land in view of adverse impacts on water

European data


Additional information

Abstract maps and data on N surplus

The nitrogen (N) surplus in EU27 for the year 2010 was calculated as the total N input, by fertilizer, manure, biosolids, N fixing crops and deposition, minus the uptake of N with the model INTEGRATOR. The calculation was carried out for approximately 40.000 NCUs (Nitrogen Calculation Units). NCUs are unique combinations of soil type, administrative region, slope class and altitude class, composed of clusters of 1 km x 1 km pixels, NUTS3  regions. Data on: (i) manure application, affecting N inputs, is based on livestock statistics from EUROSTAT,  (ii) fertilizer N inputs are based on FAOstat and (iii) subnational crop yields, affecting N uptake, are based on a combination of FAOstat and GYGA crop yield data. The model and data used to calculate N inputs and N uptake are given in De Vries et al. (2019b).


Abstract maps and data on exceedance of critical N inputs

The exceedances of critical N inputs to agricultural land in EU27 for the year 2010 was calculated as the total N input by fertilizer, manure, biosolids, N fixing crops and deposition minus the critical N input  in view of adverse impacts on water quality. The critical N input was based on a critical N concentration in runoff to surface water of 2.5 mg N/l . The calculation was carried out for approximately 40.000 NCUs (Nitrogen Calculation Units). NCUs are unique combinations of soil type, administrative region, slope class and altitude class, composed of clusters of 1 km x 1 km pixels, NUTS3  regions. Data on: (i) manure application, affecting N inputs, is based on livestock statistics from EUROSTAT,  (ii) fertilizer N inputs are based on FAOstat and (iii) subnational crop yields, affecting N uptake, are based on a combination of FAOstat and GYGA crop yield data. The model and data used to calculate N inputs, N uptake and N runoff are given in De Vries et al. (2019b).


The maps are to be published in:

The maps are to be published in
De Vries, W., P.F.A.M. Römkens J. Kros, J.C Voogd, G. Louwagie and L Schulte-Uebbing, 2019a. De Vries, W., J. Kros Impacts of nutrients and heavy metals in European agriculture. Current and critical inputs in view of air, soil and water quality. ETC/ULS Report (in press).


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