

Main drivers of CO2 emission trends from households in the EU‑27 and EU‑15, 1990–2007

Figure Created 11 Jan 2010 Published 18 Jan 2010 Last modified 29 Nov 2012
2 min read
Main drivers of CO2 emission trends from households in the EU‑27 and EU‑15, 1990–2007

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The bars with positive values indicate factors that cause an increase in emissions; the bars with negative values indicate factors that have a reducing effect. Aggregating both effects provides the actual emission changes. Final energy efficiency describes the effect resulting from changes in final energy consumption (including electricity and district heating) per household.Share of electricity and district heat describes the effect resulting from changes in the share of electricity and district heat in total final energy consumption. Note that, depending on the energy mix, electricity and heat consumption in industry/households cause emissions in the public electricity and heat production sector.Share of biomass describes the effect resulting from changes in the share of biomass used in total fuel use.Shift from coal/oil to gas describes the effect resulting from the shift to less-carbon-intensive fossil fuels in households.


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