
Data Visualization

Productivity change due to land use (2000-2019)

Data Visualization Created 14 Dec 2021 Published 15 Dec 2021 Last modified 30 Mar 2023
1 min read

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Changes are expressed in % of the fitted linear trend line.

Standardized anomalies of yearly vegetation productivity during 2000-2019 are analysed in areas with drought pressure due to low soil moisture content. Anomalies are expressed in standard deviations compared to the long term average vegetation productivity conditions for each 500m grid cell in the EEA-39 region. The size of the impacted area is calculated from the sum of those grid cells where both the soil moisture and the vegetation productivity anomaly was below -1 standard deviation in the given year. The vegetation index used in the indicator is the Plant Phenology Index (PPI, Jin and Eklundh, 2014). PPI is based on the MODIS Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance product (MODIS MCD43 NBAR. The product provides reflectance data for the MODIS “land” bands (1-7) adjusted using a bi-directional reflectance distribution function. This function models values as if they were collected from a nadir-view to remove so called cross-track illumination effects. The product is distributed with 500 m pixel size (MODIS Sinusoidal Grid) with 8-days compositing period. The web map service was derived from a 16 bit time series.

Reference: Jin, H., Eklundh, L. (2014): A physically based vegetation index for improved monitoring of plant phenology, Remote Sensing, 152, 512–525. Inpout to the PPI index was from MODIS NDVI.

Data sources

Annual above ground vegetation productivity time-series provided by European Environment Agency (EEA)

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