
What we do

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Page Last modified 15 Mar 2023
1 min read
This page was archived on 15 Mar 2023 with reason: Content is outdated
The aim of the EEA is to ensure that decision-makers and the general public are kept informed about the state and outlook of the environment. Our vision is to become recognised as the world’s leading body for the provision of timely, relevant and accessible European environmental data, information, knowledge and assessments.

The core objective of the EEA is to produce European, pan-European and regional integrated environmental data and indicator sets, assessments and thematic analyses in order to provide a sound decision basis for environmental policies in the EU and Member countries and for cooperation with candidate and potential candidate countries and those covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy.

The Multiannual work programme outlines our plans for the five years to come. It is shaped around today's and tomorrow's information needs with an overall emphasis on a much wider use of the environmental information that is being collected. We are streamlining our activities, creating new ways of working, and developing new methods to bring environmental thinking into the mainstream of economic and social policy making.


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Filed under: eea role, eu strategy
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