

Energy consumption by transport mode in the EU-27

Figure Created 23 Aug 2010 Published 14 Sep 2010 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
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Share of energy consumption by mode in total transport. Energy consumption for rail, road, water, air and total transport come from Eurostat. The consumption by type of road vehicle is calculated for each type of vehicle from the stock of vehicles and an annual consumption (toe per vehicle, taken as a weighted average of 15 countries for which data are available.


European data


Additional information

Calculated for each type of vehicle by type of fuel (gasoline and diesel) from the stock of vehicles and annual unit consumption (toe /year); the stock of vehicles for EU-27 is calculated as the sum of EU countries; for EU 27, the unit consumption by fuel for each type of vehicle is calculated as equal to the weighted average of 15 countries for which data are available, of which 11 EU-15 countries and 4 new member countries; the weighting factor is the number of vehicle in each country.


Geographic coverage

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Filed under: consumption, energy
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