
Article 12 - 2015 dataset

Data Table
15 min read
Dataset contains a support version of tabular data as reported by Member States, targeted for the assessment process by the experts of the Article 12 birds population status at the European level for the 2008-2012 reporting period, along with the associated MAES table. The population status and trends at the EU level was assessed by the European Red List of Birds Consortium (under contract with the European Commission). The tabular dataset was updated in September 2021 to include the delayed report from Greece.
European data
Table definition

Article 12 general report (data_bgreport)

Most important facts and figures on the general implementation of the Birds Directive from Member States (uses bgreporthash as a primary key, which is common to all other general tables matching the data_bg* naming scheme)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
bgreporthash General report auto generated primary key text(32)
country Country code, including subnational unit (ESIC, PTAC,PTMA,GIB) Codelist: lu_art12_country_code_art12 text(4)
country_isocode 2-letter ISO country code text(2)
achievements Text in national language memo
achievements_trans English translation memo
general_information General information about the Birds Directive memo
information_on_network Information about the SPA network memo
monitoring_schemes Monitoring schemes (Articles 4(1), 10) memo
protection_of_species Protection of species (Articles 5-8) memo
transpose_directive Transposition of the Birds Directive (legal texts) memo
spa_total_number All SPAs - Number of SPAs integer
spa_total_area All SPAs - Surface area of SPAs (km²) decimal
spa_terrestrial_area Terrestrial sites - Surface area of SPAs (km²) Excludes marine sites decimal
spa_marine_number Marine sites - Number of SPAs integer
spa_marine_area Marine sites - Surface area of SPAs (km²) decimal
database_date Date of last update Related to the Natura 2000 database sent to the Commission text(255)
sites_with_plans Number of sites with management plans integer
coverage Proportion (%) of the network area covered by management plans decimal
plans_under_prep Number of sites with management plans under preparation integer
national_bird_atlas_title Title text(255)
national_bird_atlas_year Year of publication integer
national_bird_atlas_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference memo
national_bird_redlist_title Title text(255)
national_bird_redlist_year Year of publication integer
national_bird_redlist_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference memo

Article 12 compensation measures (data_bgmeasures)

Compensation measures details, as found in the 2008-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 12 of the Birds Directive (links to the general report table using bgreporthash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
bgreporthash Foreign key to data_bgreport text(32)
sitecode Site code 2-letter ISO country code plus 7 characters text(9)
sitename Site name text(255)
project_year Year of project/plan text(50)
project_title Title of project/plan text(255)
impact Impact of projects in need of compensation measures on status of bird species at the site memo

Article 12 national bird monitoring overview (data_bgmonitoring)

National bird monitoring overview, as found in the 2008-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 12 of the Birds Directive (links to the general report table using bgreporthash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
bgreporthash Foreign key to data_bgreport text(32)
monitoring_title Title or similar plus short description memo
monitoring_year Year of publication long
monitoring_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference memo

Article 12 other publication of EU-wide interest (data_bgpublication)

Other publication of EU-wide interest, as found in the 2008-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 12 of the Birds Directive (links to the general report table using bgreporthash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
bgreporthash Foreign key to data_bgreport text(32)
other_publication_title Title or similar plus short description memo
other_publication_year Year of publication text(255)
other_publication_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference memo

Article 12 non-native bird sepcies (data_bgnon_native_bird)

Non-native bird species list, as found in the 2008-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 12 of the Birds Directive (links to the general report table using bgreporthash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
bgreporthash Foreign key to data_bgreport text(32)
speciesname Species scientific name text(255)
subspecies_name Sub-species text(255)
introduction Main contents of legal decision for introduction text(255)
consultation_date Consultation with the Commission text(255)

Article 12 bird report (data_birds)

Population and distribution details on relevant bird species of the Birds Directive from Member States (uses specieshash as a primary key, which is common to all other bird tables matching the data_b[^g]* naming scheme)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
specieshash Birds report auto generated primary key text(32)
country Country code, including subnational unit (ESIC, PTAC,PTMA,GIB) Codelist: lu_art12_country_code_art12 text(4)
country_isocode 2-letter ISO country code text(2)
euringcode Code for species according to EURING Refers to euringcode from bird species checklist long
speciescode Natura 2000 code Refers to speciescode from bird species checklist text(255)
speciesname Species scientific name Scientific name of the species as used in the Birds Directive text(255)
sub_unit Sub-specific population Where relevant, distinct subspecies text(255)
alternative_speciesname Alternative species scientific name Scientific name used at the national level text(255)
common_speciesname Common name In national language, optional. text(255)
season Season Codelist: lu_season text(1)
population_date Year or period Year (or period) when population size was recorded. text(255)
population_size_unit Population size - Unit Codelist: lu_population_units text(255)
population_minimum_size Population size - Minimum Not rounded. If a precise count, same value as Maximum. decimal
population_maximum_size Population size - Maximum Not rounded. If a precise count, same value as Minimum. decimal
population_type_of_estimate Type of estimate Codelist: lu_type_of_estimate text(255)
population_method Method used Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
population_quality Quality Codelist: lu_data_quality text(255)
population_sources Sources Bibliographic references, link to Internet sites, expert contact details, etc. memo
population_additional_info Additional information Other relevant information, complementary to the data requested in previous fields. memo
population_trend_period Period Ideally 2001-2012 or period as close as possible to that. text(255)
population_trend Short-term trend, direction Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(255)
population_trend_magnitude_min Short-term trend, magnitude - Minimum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Maximum. decimal
population_trend_magnitude_max Short-term trend, magnitude - Maximum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Minimum. decimal
population_trend_method Method used Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
population_trend_quality Quality Codelist: lu_data_quality text(255)
population_trend_sources Sources Bibliographic references, link to Internet sites, expert contact details, etc. memo
population_trend_long_period Period Ideally 1980-2012. text(255)
population_trend_long Long-term trend, direction Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(255)
population_trend_long_magnitude_min Long-term trend, magnitude - Minimum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Maximum. decimal
population_trend_long_magnitude_max Long-term trend, magnitude - Maximum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Minimum. decimal
population_trend_long_method Method used Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
population_trend_long_quality Quality Codelist: lu_data_quality text(255)
population_trend_long_sources Sources Bibliographic references, link to Internet sites, expert contact details, etc. memo
population_trend_additional_info Additional information Relevant to fields in sections 3.1 & 3.2 in the reporting format. Maximum 500 characters. memo
range_period Year or period Year or period when the breeding distribution data was collected. text(255)
sensitive_species Sensitive species Indicates that a species is sensitive. yes/no
distribution_map Distribution map Indicates that a distribution map has been submitted. yes/no
additional_distribution_map Additional distribution map Indicates that an additional distribution map has been submitted. yes/no
range_map Range map Indicates that a range map has been submitted. yes/no
range_surface_area Range surface area Total surface area of the breeding range (km²). decimal
range_method Method used Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
range_quality Quality Codelist: lu_data_quality text(255)
range_sources Sources Bibliographic references, link to Internet sites, expert contact details, etc. memo
range_additional_info Additional information Relevant to fields 4.1-4.9 in the reporting format. Maximum 500 characters. memo
range_trend_period Period Ideally 2000-2012 or period as close as possible to that. text(255)
range_trend Short-term trend, direction Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(255)
range_trend_magnitude_min Short-term trend, magnitude - Minimum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Maximum. decimal
range_trend_magnitude_max Short-term trend, magnitude - Maximum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Minimum. decimal
range_trend_method Method used Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
range_trend_quality Quality Codelist: lu_data_quality text(255)
range_trend_sources Sources Bibliographic references, link to Internet sites, expert contact details, etc. memo
range_trend_long_period Period Ideally 1980-2012. text(255)
range_trend_long Long-term trend, direction Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(255)
range_trend_long_magnitude_min Long-term trend, magnitude - Minimum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Maximum. decimal
range_trend_long_magnitude_max Long-term trend, magnitude - Maximum Percentage change over the period. If a precise figure, same value as Minimum. decimal
range_trend_long_method Method used Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
range_trend_long_quality Quality Codelist: lu_data_quality text(255)
range_trend_long_sources Sources Bibliographic references, link to Internet sites, expert contact details, etc. memo
range_trend_additional_info Additional information Relevant to fields in sections 5.1 & 5.2 in the reporting format. Maximum 500 characters. memo
plan Type of plan Codelist: lu_type_of_plans text(255)
national_plan_adopted National plan adopted Indicates that a national plan has been adopted, as . text(255)
measures_taken Measures and initiatives linked to the SAP / MP / BMS Filled in if NO national plan has been adopted. text(255)
further_information Sources of further information Web-links, published reports etc. memo
spa_population_unit Population size in the SPA network - Unit Same unit as in field 2.2.a in the reporting format. text(255)
spa_population_min Population size in the SPA network - Minimum Not rounded. If a precise count, same value as Maximum. decimal
spa_population_max Population size in the SPA network - Maximum Not rounded. If a precise count, same value as Minimum. decimal
spa_population_method Method used Codelist: lu_methods_used text(255)
spa_population_trend Short-term trend of population size in the SPA network Codelist: lu_data_quality text(255)
use_for_statistics Depending on the purpose of the statistics certain reports need to be excluded from the analysis in order to generate useful information. This field can be used to quickly identify the records to keep/exclude. yes/no

Article 12 bird pressures and threats (data_bpressures_threats)

Bird pressures and threats details, as found in the 2008-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 12 of the Birds Directive (links to the bird report table using specieshash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
pressurethreathash Unique identifier for pressures and threats text(32)
specieshash Foreign key to data_birds text(32)
pressurecode Pressure/threat Lists up to 20 pressures, codelist: lu_threats text(10)
rankingcode Impact Lists up to 5 ’H’ rankings, codelist: lu_ranking text(1)
quality Quality of impact assessment Codelist: lu_data_quality long
location Location Indicates where the factor is primarily operating text(1)
sources Sources Bibliographic references, link to Internet sites, expert contact details, etc. memo

Article 12 conservation measures (data_bmeasures)

Conservation measures details, as found in the 2008-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 12 of the Birds Directive (links to the bird report table using specieshash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
measurehash Unique identifier for measures text(32)
specieshash Foreign key to data_birds text(32)
measurecode Measure Lists up to 20 conservation measures taken, codelist: lu_measures text(10)
type_legal Type - Legal/statutory yes/no
type_administrative Type - Administrative yes/no
type_contractual Type - Contractual yes/no
type_recurrent Type - Recurrent yes/no
type_oneoff Type - One-off yes/no
rankingcode Ranking Highlights up to 5 of the most important measures, codelist: lu_ranking text(1)
location_inside Location - Inside Where the measure is PRIMARILY applied yes/no
location_outside Location - Outside Where the measure is PRIMARILY applied yes/no
location_both Location - Both inside & outside Where the measure is PRIMARILY applied yes/no
broad_evaluation_maintain Broad evaluation of the measure - Maintain yes/no
broad_evaluation_enhance Broad evaluation of the measure - Enhance yes/no
broad_evaluation_longterm Broad evaluation of the measure - Long term yes/no
broad_evaluation_noeffect Broad evaluation of the measure - No effect yes/no
broad_evaluation_unknown Broad evaluation of the measure - Unknown yes/no
broad_evaluation_notevaluated Broad evaluation of the measure - Not evaluated yes/no

Article 12 bird species checklist (data_birds_check_list)

Bird species checklist, as found in the 2008-2012 reporting round Member States deliveries under the Arcticle 12 of the Birds Directive (links to the bird report table using specieshash)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
country Country code, including subnational unit (ESIC, PTAC,PTMA,GIB) Codelist: lu_art12_country_code_art12 text(4)
country_isocode 2-letter ISO country code Codelist: lu_art12_country_code_art12 text(2)
speciescode Species code used in the Art 12 reporting Refers to Natura 2000 code (plus a letter corresponding to the sub_unit: population, flyway,,,,) text(255)
speciesname Name of the species used in the Art 12 reporting text(255)
sub_unit Indication on subpopulation, related to the speciesname text(255)
euringcode Code for species according to EURING long
annexI Species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive Indicates if the species is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive text(10)
season Season in which data were collected Codelist: lu_season text(1)
population_size_unit Recommanded population size unit for the reporting Codelist: lu_population_units text(255)
spa_trigger Species triggering SPA classifications under the Birds Directive yes/no
non_native Bird species not naturally occuring in the wild in the European territory of the Member States yes/no
presence Additionnal information such as newly arriving species Codelist: lu_checklist_presence_categories text(255)
assessment_code_EU Species code corresponding to the species name used for the EU assessment of status long
assessment_specname_EU Name of the species used for the EU assessment of status text(255)
assessment_code_trend Species code corresponding to the species name used for the EU assessment of trends long
assessment_specname_trend Name of the species used for the EU assessment of trends text(255)

Ecosystems as defined by MAES for Article 12 bird species (species_birds_maes_EU27)

List of ecosystems as defined by MAES for Article 12 bird species, considered at the European level (links to the bird species checklist table using speciescode and season)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
speciesname Name of the species as used for the reporting text(200)
sub_unit Indication on subpopulation, related to the speciesname text(255)
speciescode Species code used in the Art 12 reporting Refers to speciescode from bird species checklist text(255)
euringcode Code for species according to EURING Refers to euringcode from bird species checklist long
codeeco Code ecosystems Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
typeasso Importance of the bird relation/link to the MAES classification Codelist: lu_spec_hab_association text(10)
season Indication of whether breeding or winter data were used in the EU assessment of status Codelist: lu_season text(1)
region Regional scope (here the EU27) on which the relation to the MAES classification is relevant for a given species and season. text(20)

Crosswalk between species in the Art 12 reporting and EU assessments of status and trends (crosslinkage_table)

The crosswalk between the species codes and names used in the Art 12 reporting and the species codes and names used in the EU27 assessemnt of status and trends

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
ID Auto generated unique identifier long
speciescode Species code used in the Art 12 reporting Refers to speciescode from bird species checklist text(255)
speciesname Name of the species used in the Art 12 reporting text(255)
sub_unit Indication on subpopulation, related to the speciesname text(255)
assessment_code_EU Species code used for the EU assessment of status long
assessment_specname_EU Name of the species used for the EU assessment of status text(255)
season Indication of whether breeding or winter data were used in the EU assessment of status Codelist: lu_season text(1)
assessment_code_trend_breeding Species code used for the EU assessment of trends long
assessment_specname_trend_breeding Name of the species used for the EU assessment of trends text(255)
assessment_code_trend_wintering Species code used for the EU assessment of trends long
assessment_specname_trend_wintering Name of the species used for the EU assessment of trends text(255)
addtionnal_record Additionnal assessment not included in the statistics of the Nature Report yes/no

EU status assessment (data_birds_eu_status)

EU27 status assessemnt and underlying infomration on range and population as delivered by the European Red List of Birds Consortium (under contract with the European Commission)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
assessment_code_EU Species code corresponding to the species name used for the EU assessment of status long
assessment_specname_EU Name of the species used for the EU assessment of status text(255)
season Indication of whether breeding or winter data were used in the EU assessment of status Codelist: lu_season text(1)
Population_status EU status assessment Codelist: lu_status text(255)
population_size_unit EU population size unit Codelist: lu_population_units text(255)
PopSizeMin EU popualtion size - minimum used in the EU assessment of status double
PopSizeMax EU popualtion size - maximum used in the EU assessment of status double
PopSizeMinRnd EU popualtion size - minimum (rounded) used in the EU assessment of status double
PopSizeMaxRnd EU popualtion size - maximum (rounded) used in the EU assessment of status double
PopTrdSht Short-term popualtion trend used in the EU assessment of status Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)
PopTrdLng Long-term popualtion trend used in the EU assessment of status Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)
Contribution_target1 Evaluation of progress to Target 1 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy Codelist: lu_status text(1)
addtionnal_record Additionnal assessment not included in the statistics of the Nature Report yes/no

EU breeding trend assessemnt (data_birds_eu_breeding_trends)

EU27 breeding population size and trends as delivered by the European Red List of Birds Consortium (under contract with the European Commission)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
assessment_code_trend Species code corresponding to the species name used for the EU assessment of trends long
assessment_specname_trend Name of the species used for the EU assessment of trends text(255)
population_size_unit Breeding population size - Unit Codelist: lu_population_units text(255)
BrPopSizeMin Breeding population size - Minimum double
BrPopSizeMax Breeding population size - Maximum double
BrPopSizeMinRnd Breeding population size - Minimum (rounded) double
BrPopSizeMaxRnd Breeding population size - Maximum (rounded) double
BrPopTrdSht Breeding popualtion short-term trend Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)
BrRngTrdLng Breeding range long-term trend Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)
BrRngSize Breeding range surface area (km2) double
BrRngSizeRnd Breeding range surface area (rounded) double
BrRngTrdSht Breeding range short-term trend Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)
BrPopTrdLng Breeding popualtion long-term trend Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)

EU winter trend assessemnt (data_birds_eu_wintering_trends)

EU27 winter population size and trends as delivered by the European Red List of Birds Consortium (under contract with the European Commission)

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
assessment_code_trend Species code corresponding to the species name used for the EU assessment of trends long
assessment_specname_trend Name of the species used for the EU assessment of trends text(255)
population_size_unit Winter population size - Unit Codelist: lu_population_units text(255)
WiPopSizeMin Winter population size - Minimum double
WiPopSizeMax Winter population size - Maximum double
WiPopSizeMinRnd Winter population size - Minimum (rounded) double
WiPopSizeMaxRnd Winter population size - Maximum (rounded) double
WiPopTrdSht Winter popualtion short-term trend Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)
WiPopTrdLng Winter popualtion long-term trend Codelist: lu_trend_birds text(2)


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