

President Pöttering visits the EEA: climate change — a 'shared top priority'

News Published 02 Apr 2008 Last modified 21 Jun 2016
1 min read
The President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, visited today the European Environment Agency, where he was welcomed by its Executive Director, Professor Jacqueline McGlade. President Pöttering had a short but lively discussion with the EEA's Management Board, chaired by Lars Erik Liljelund.

The Management Board is the decision-making body of the European Environment Agency. The Board consists of representatives of the 32 member countries, two representatives of the European Commission and two representatives designated by the European Parliament. The Board members from the EU Member States, the Commission and those designated by the Parliament have voting rights.

President Pöttering commended the prominent level of relations between the EEA and the European Parliament — in particular with the committees dealing with environment, transport, agriculture and climate change. The President of the EP shared with the Board his expectations about next year's United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, the seat of the EEA.

During an informal exchange of views with the Management Board, President Pöttering had the opportunity to learn, first-hand, about the benefits of EEA membership for the five non-EU member countries which are part of the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey). One representative from each of these countries took part in the discussion with Mr Pöttering to explain their countries' contribution to the work of the Agency.

During his two-day visit to Denmark, President Pöttering dealt extensively with current environmental challenges, in particular climate change. This was the object of his lecture at the University of Copenhagen yesterday, where Professor McGlade also delivered the speech 'Decentralisation for a post-carbon society'.


The EP President and the EEA Executive Director

The EP President and the EEA Executive Director


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