
EEA/ADS/06/007 - Offsetting the climate impacts of flights - Award notice

DK-Copenhagen: offsetting the climate impacts of flights

2007/S 51-062497

Contract award notice


Section I: Contracting authority
Name, addresses and contact point(s):  
European Environment Agency, attn: Eugenia Brad, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K. Tel.  (45) 33 36 71 06. Fax  (45) 33 36 72 74. E-mail:

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority:

Type of the contracting authority and main activity or activities:  
European institution/agency or international organisation.
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no.

Section II: Object of the contract
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:  
Offsetting the climate impacts of flights.
Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance:  
Service category No 27.
Main place of performance: contractor's premises.
The notice involves:  
The conclusion of a framework agreement.
Short description of the contract or purchase(s):  
EEA has been introducing measures to reduce the need for travel, in particular by air, and to encourage the use of less environmentally harmful transport modes such as rail and other public transport. In 2006, the EEA committed itself to offset the climate impacts of all remaining flights on behalf of the EEA by introducing a carbon credit scheme. The EEA evaluated several options for a carbon credit scheme, including buying allowances from the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). Due to the high allocation of allowances within the ETS’ first trading period, the EEA does not wish to buy ETS allowances for the years 2006 and 2007. Instead, the EEA seeks to buy carbon offsets from a company or institution that provides such offsetting services outside the ETS. The EEA will be communicating its carbon credit policy widely and will encourage partners and clients to follow its example of offsetting the climate impact of travel activities.The contractor shall ensure a sufficient level of activities to offset the aggregated climate impact of all flights on behalf of the EEA for the years 2006 and 2007. This applies to around 4 000 flights a year, mostly within Europe. The contractor shall provide transparent information about the offsetting activities and their proper implementation.
Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):  
Contract covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):  
Total final value of contract(s):  
Lowest offer: EUR 8,55 / highest offer: 98,90.
Excluding VAT.

Section IV: Procedure
Type of procedure:  
Award criteria:  
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of:
criteria; weighting:
1. quality of the offsetting projects; 65;
2. technical and professional capacity; 10;
3. environmental policy; 5;
4. price; 20.
An electronic auction was used:  
Administrative information
File reference number attributed by the contracting authority:  
Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract:  

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No EEA/ADS/06/007

Title: Offsetting the climate impacts of flights
Date of contract award:  
Number of offers received:  
Name and address of economic operator to whom the contract has been awarded:  
Atmosfair gGmbH, Voss Straße 1, D-10117 Berlin. Tel. (49) 30 28 88 35 682. Fax (49) 30 28 88 35 61. E-mail: URL:
Information on value of contract:  
Total final value of the contract: lowest offer EUR 8,55 /highest offer EUR 98,90.
Excluding VAT.

Section VI: Complementary information
Contract related to a project and/or programme financed by Community funds:  
Procedures for appeal
Body responsible for appeal procedures:  
Court of First Instance of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2925 Luxembourg. Tel. (352) 43 03-1. Fax (352) 43 37 66. E-mail: URL:

Body responsible for mediation procedures:

The European Ombudsman, 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman, BP 403, F-67001 Strasbourg Cedex. Tel. (33-3) 88 17 23 13. Fax (33-3) 88 17 90 62. E-mail: URL:

Lodging of appeals:  
Precise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals:
Within 2 months of the notification to the plaintiff (date of receipt) or, in the absence thereof, the day on which the person concerned had knowledge of the relevant information; a complaint to the European Ombudsman has no impact on the above deadline for lodging an appeal.
Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained:  
Court of First Instance of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2925 Luxembourg. Tel. (352) 43 03-1. Fax (352) 43 37 66. E-mail: URL:
Date of dispatch of this notice:  


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