

Waterbase - Transitional, coastal and marine waters

Prod-ID: DAT-12-en
Created 11 Jul 2012 Published 23 Aug 2012 Last modified 15 Dec 2022
23 min read
This page was archived on 26 Jun 2015 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-transitional-coastal-and-marine-waters-11 was published)
Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA databases on the status and quality of Europes rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and on the quantity of Europes water resources

European data

Waterbase - TCM (11 tables)

Dataset contains data on physical characteristics of the transitional, coastal and marine water monitoring and flux stations, proxy pressures on the upstream catchment, basin and River Basin District associated with transitional and coastal waters, chemical quality data on nutrients in seawater and hazardous substances in biota, sediment and seawater, as well as data on direct discharges and riverine input loads.

[+] Show table definition

Physical Characteristics of EIONET TCM Waters Monitoring Stations (Waterbase_TCM_v9_Stations_EIONET, 5684 records)

Physical characteristics of the WISE-SoE transitional, coastal and marine water monitoring stations, provided by national sources or Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
NationalStationName National name of the monitoring station text(150)
StationSite Information whether the station represents a single point location, a linear feature or a wider area. text(5)
WFDstation Specification yes / no, whether the monitoring station was reported to European Commission as Water Framework Directive, Article 8 monitoring station. text(3)
WFD_EU_CD Unique international identifier of the monitoring station under which the station was reported as WFD Art.8 monitoring station. text(50)
WaterCategory Water Category, as defined in the codelist. text(2)
WaterBodyTypeDescription Additional water body type description. text(100)
CatchmentName Name of major catchment or basin. text(150)
Region National region in which water body is located text(50)
RBDcode River Basin District Code text(50)
RBDname Name of the River Basin District. text(150)
Longitude International geographical longitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
Latitude International geographical latitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
ReferenceStation Station is reference station - found in catchments or associated River Basin Districts with little or no human activity, natural landscape higher than 90%, and minimally impacted by inflow from adjacent coastal or marine waters. text(1)
PhysChemStation Physico-chemical category of the station text(1)
WaterBodyID National identification code of water body in which station is located text(50)
WaterBodyName Name of water body in which station is located. text(255)
SeaAreaName Name of the local sea into which the river discharges or in which the TCM station is located. text(150)
SeaRegionName Name of regional sea of which local sea area is a part. text(150)
SeaConventionArea Name of Marine Convention area of which regional sea is a part. text(50)
StationReporting Reporting purpose of the transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station. EC - European Commission purposes only
ECMC - European Commission and Marine Convention purposes
ECMCN - European Commission, Marine Convention and national purposes
ECN - European Commission and national purposes
MC - Marine Convention purposes only
MCN - Marine Convention and national purposes
N - National purposes only
MainlandCoast Distance of marine monitoring station from nearest mainland coast in kilometres. single
ClosestCoast Distance of marine monitoring station from closest coast in kilometres. single
TCMMatrix Environmental compartments measured at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station, as defined in the codelist. B - Biota
BS - Biota and sediment
BSW - Biota, sediment and water column
BW - Biota and water column
S - Sediment
SW - Sediment and water column
W - Water column
SalinityMean Mean annual salinity measured at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station. single
SalinityMinimum Minimum annual salinity measured at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station. single
SalinityMaximum Maximum annual salinity measured at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station. single
Temperature Mean annual temperature measured at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station in degrees Celsius. single
SeaDepth Mean annual sea depth at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station in metres. single
SeaResidence Residence time of transitional or coastal water body in days. long
Mixing Mixing characteristics at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station. FM - Fully mixed
PM - Partially mixed
VS - Vertically stratified
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
tcm_DataSource Data source. EIONET, Medpol, ICES text(6)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Physical Characteristics of Marine Conventions TCM Waters Monitoring Stations (Waterbase_TCM_v9_Stations_Conventions, 274185 records)

Physical characteristics of the monitoring stations, provided by Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
DataProvider Code of the data provider if different from the CountryCode. text(20)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
Latitude_min Geographical latitude minimum for the particular station. decimal
Longitude_min Geographical longitude minimum for the particular station. decimal
Latitude_max Geographical latitude maximum for the particular station. decimal
Longitude_max Geographical longitude maximum for the particular station. decimal
tcm_DataSource Data source. EIONET, Medpol, ICES text(6)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Physical Characteristics of TCM Waters Flux Stations (Waterbase_TCM_v9_Stations_Flux, 124 records)

Physical characteristics of the WISE-SoE transitional, coastal and marine water stations used to monitor riverine input loads, provided by national sources or Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
NationalStationName National name of the monitoring station text(150)
WFDstation Specification yes / no, whether the monitoring station was reported to European Commission as Water Framework Directive, Article 8 monitoring station. text(3)
WFD_EU_CD Unique international identifier of the monitoring station under which the station was reported as WFD Art.8 monitoring station. text(50)
RiverName National name of river. text(150)
CatchmentName Name of major catchment or basin. text(150)
WaterBodyID National identification code of water body in which station is located text(50)
WaterBodyName Name of water body in which station is located. text(255)
SeaAreaName Name of the local sea into which the river discharges or in which the TCM station is located. text(150)
SeaRegionName Name of regional sea of which local sea area is a part. text(150)
SeaConventionArea Name of Marine Convention area of which regional sea is a part. text(50)
RBDcode River Basin District Code text(50)
RBDname Name of the River Basin District. text(150)
Longitude International geographical longitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
Latitude International geographical latitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
tcm_DataSource Data source. EIONET, Medpol, ICES text(6)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Proxy Pressures of TCM Waters Flux Stations (Waterbase_TCM_v9_Pressures, 293 records)

Proxy pressures on the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned, relating to flux stations.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
PopulationDensity Population density of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station single
SewageDischarge Direct discharges from sewage treatment works to the transitional, coastal or marine water body. BU - Discharges of sewage from both UWWT and non-UWWT sources
NU - Discharges of sewage from non-UWWT source
U - Discharges of sewage from UWWT sources
IndustrialDischarge Direct discharges from industry to the transitional, coastal or marine water body. BE - Industrial discharges from both EPER and non-EPER sources
E - Industrial discharges from EPER sources
NE - Industrial discharges from non-EPER sources
OtherDischarge Direct discharges from other sources to the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
OilExtraction Exploration for, or extraction of, oil in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
GasExtraction Exploration for, or extraction of, gas in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
Spoil Dredged spoil disposal ground in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
Waste Waste disposal ground in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
Landfill Transitional, coastal or marine water body directly impacted by leachate from landfill disposal sites. text(1)
Mariculture Fish and shellfish farming in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
Fishing Commercial fishing activity in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
Marina Presence of a marina in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
Port Presence of port facilities in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
OtherActivities Any other activities in the transitional, coastal or marine water body. text(1)
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Nutrients in Seawater - Disaggregated Data (Waterbase_TCM_v9_Nutrients_disagg, 7940657 records)

Disaggregated data on nutrients, organic matter and general physico-chemical determinands in seawater, measured at WISE-SoE transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring stations, provided by national sources only.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
DataProvider Code of the data provider if different from the CountryCode. text(20)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
Year general: Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
Month Month in which the sample was taken. long
Day Day on which the sample was taken. long
Time Time when the sample was taken. text(5)
SampleID Unique sample identifier required if multiple samples were taken on the same day. text(50)
Determinand_Nutrients Name of nutrient, organic matter or general physico-chemical determinand. text(50)
Unit_NutrientsSeawater Unit of Measurement of Nutrients in Seawater. text(20)
LOD_LOQ_Flag Flag to indicate sample below analytical limit of detection (LOD) or limit of quantification (LOQ) [ - sample below limit of detection < - sample below limit of quantification text(1)
Concentration Concentration of determinand in sample. single
SampleDepth Depth at which sample taken in metres below water surface. decimal
IntegratedDepth Lower depth of the integrated sample. single
ThermoPos Vertical position of sample relative to thermocline. AT - Above thermocline
BT - Below thermocline
IT - In thermocline
HaloPos Vertical position of sample relative to halocline. AH - Above halocline
BH - Below halocline
IH - In halocline
Salinity Salinity of sample. single
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
tcm_DataSource Data source. EIONET, Medpol, ICES text(6)
QA_MVissues long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Hazardous Substances in Seawater - Disaggregated Data (Waterbase_TCM_v9_HazSubs_Seawater_disagg, 235407 records)

Disaggregated data on hazardous substances and other chemical determinands in seawater, measured at WISE-SoE transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring stations, provided by national sources and Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
DataProvider Code of the data provider if different from the CountryCode. text(20)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
Year general: Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
Month Month in which the sample was taken. long
Day Day on which the sample was taken. long
SampleID Unique sample identifier required if multiple samples were taken on the same day. text(50)
Determinand_HazSubs Name of hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(150)
CASNumber Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(64)
Unit_HazSubs Unit of measurement of hazardous substance. text(20)
LOD_LOQ_Flag Flag to indicate sample below analytical limit of detection (LOD) or limit of quantification (LOQ) [ - sample below limit of detection < - sample below limit of quantification text(1)
Concentration Concentration of determinand in sample. single
SampleDepth Depth at which sample taken in metres below water surface. decimal
ThermoPos Vertical position of sample relative to thermocline. AT - Above thermocline
BT - Below thermocline
IT - In thermocline
HaloPos TCM-HazSubs-Seawater-disagg: Vertical position of sample relative to halocline. AH - Above halocline
BH - Below halocline
IH - In halocline
Salinity Salinity of sample. single
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
tcm_DataSource Data source. EIONET, Medpol, ICES text(6)
QA_MVissues long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Hazardous Substances in Sediment - Disaggregated Data (Waterbase_TCM_v9_HazSubs_Sediment_disagg, 458918 records)

Disaggregated data on hazardous substances and other chemical determinands in sediment, measured at WISE-SoE transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring stations, provided by national sources and Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
DataProvider Code of the data provider if different from the CountryCode. text(20)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
Month Month in which the sample was taken. long
Day Day on which the sample was taken. long
SampleID Unique sample identifier required if multiple samples were taken on the same day. text(50)
Determinand_HazSubs Name of hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(150)
CASNumber Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(64)
Unit_HazSubs Unit of measurement of hazardous substance. text(20)
LOD_LOQ_Flag Flag to indicate sample below analytical limit of detection (LOD) or limit of quantification (LOQ) [ - sample below limit of detection < - sample below limit of quantification text(1)
Concentration Concentration of determinand in sample. single
GrainType CTCM-HazSubs-Sediment-disagg: Sediment type code. CS - Coarse Sand
FS - Fine Sand
G - Gravel
M - Mud
MS - Middle Sand
Fraction Upper limit of particle size in analysed fraction, in µm. long
Sampler TCM-HazSubs-Sediment-disagg: Name of sampling equipment used. text(255)
BottomDepth Depth of sea bottom at sampling point in metres. single
SedimentTop Top of analysed sediment layer measured from the sediment surface in centimetres. single
SedimentBottom Bottom of analysed sediment layer measured from the sediment surface in centimetres. single
OrganicCarbon TCM-HazSubs-sediment-disagg: Organic carbon content as a percentage of total dry weight. single
DryWetRatio Ratio of dry weight to wet or fresh weight as a percentage. single
Basis Code of basis of measurement. D - Dry weight (biota, sediment)
L - Lipid (fat) weight (biota)
W - Wet weight (biota, sediment)
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
tcm_DataSource Data source. EIONET, Medpol, ICES text(6)
QA_MVissues long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Hazardous Substances in Biota - Disaggregated Data (Waterbase_TCM_v9_HazSubs_Biota_disagg, 1063139 records)

Disaggregated data on hazardous substances and other chemical determinands in biota, measured at WISE-SoE transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring stations, provided by national sources and Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
DataProvider Code of the data provider if different from the CountryCode. text(20)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
Month Month in which the sample was taken. long
Day Day on which the sample was taken. long
SampleID Unique sample identifier required if multiple samples were taken on the same day. text(50)
Determinand_HazSubs Name of hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(150)
CASNumber Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(64)
Unit_HazSubs Unit of measurement of hazardous substance. text(20)
Species Monitored species name. text(50)
Tissue Tissue element of species monitored. BA - Baleen, BB - Blubber, BC - Blood cells, BL - Blood, BO - Bone, BR - Brain, BS - Blood serum, BW - Body wall, EG - Eggs (bird), EH - Egg homogenate of yolk and albumin, EP - Epidermis (skin), FA - Fat, FE - Feathers, GI - Gill, GO - Gonads (undeterminable sex), KI - Kidney, LI - Liver, MU - Muscle, OV - Ovaries (gonads - female), RO - Roe (fish), SB - Soft body, SH - Shell, TM - Tail muscle, WO - Whole body text(2)
LOD_LOQ_Flag Flag to indicate sample below analytical limit of detection (LOD) or limit of quantification (LOQ) [ - sample below limit of detection < - sample below limit of quantification text(1)
Concentration Concentration of determinand in sample. single
Fat TCM-HazSubs-biota-disagg: Fat content as percentage of total wet matter. single
DryWetRatio Ratio of dry weight to wet or fresh weight as a percentage. single
Basis Code of basis of measurement. D - Dry weight (biota, sediment)
L - Lipid (fat) weight (biota)
W - Wet weight (biota, sediment)
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
tcm_DataSource Data source. EIONET, Medpol, ICES text(6)
QA_MVissues long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Riverine Input Loads (Waterbase_TCM_v9_Inputs, 26070 records)

Data on the yearly riverine input loads to transitional, coastal and marine waters which are monitored at flux stations, provided by national sources or Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode + '_TCM_' + (type of hazardous substances data - 'B_' - biota, 'S_' - Sediment, 'W_' - water) + NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the TCM flux station or monitoring station, all unique at the national level. text(100)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
Determinand_InputDischarge Name of riverine inputs determinand. text(100)
CASNumber Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(64)
Unit_InputDischarge Unit of measurement of riverine input. text(20)
Estimate Estimate type. L - Lower estimate based on treating concentration values that are below the limits of detection or determination as zero
U - Upper estimate based on treating concentration values that are below the limits of detection or determination as equivalent to the value of the limits of detection or determination
X - Unspecified
Method Method of estimation. FloodN - Calculations not accounting for flood events
FloodY - Calculations accounting for flood events
Other - Other methods
OutN - Calculations excluding outlier values
OutY - Calculations including outlier values
XSS - Loads calculated by extrapolation from concentrations (of micropollutants) in suspended sediment
Load Estimated load of determinand. single
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_MVissues long
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Direct Discharges (Waterbase_TCM_v9_Discharges, 3624 records)

Data on direct discharges to transitional, coastal and marine waters which are monitored at flux stations, provided by national sources or Marine Conventions.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the record was reported by the data provider. text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterBodyID National identification code of water body in which station is located text(50)
WaterBodyName Name of water body in which station is located. text(255)
SeaAreaName Name of the local sea into which the river discharges or in which the TCM station is located. text(150)
SeaRegionName Name of regional sea of which local sea area is a part. text(150)
SeaConventionArea Name of Marine Convention area of which regional sea is a part. text(50)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
DischargeType Information on discharge type. I - Industrial discharge
M - Municipal discharge
T - Total discharge
Determinand_InputDischarge Name of direct discharge determinand. text(100)
CASNumber Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(64)
Unit_InputDischarge Unit of measurement of direct discharge. text(20)
Estimate Estimate type. L - Lower estimate based on treating concentration values that are below the limits of detection or determination as zero
U - Upper estimate based on treating concentration values that are below the limits of detection or determination as equivalent to the value of the limits of detection or determination
X - Unspecified
Method Method of estimation. FloodN - Calculations not accounting for flood events
FloodY - Calculations accounting for flood events
Other - Other methods
OutN - Calculations excluding outlier values
OutY - Calculations including outlier values
XSS - Loads calculated by extrapolation from concentrations (of micropollutants) in suspended sediment
Load Estimated load of determinand. single
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_MVissues long
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo
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Additional information

Code lists

Lists and description of codes of selected fields present in the Waterbase-TCM data tables

QA documentation

Quality control documentation briefly presents ETC/ICM and EEA activities focused on quality of Waterbase-TCM dataset and results of these activities. In addition warning is given on the use of certain records for analytical purposes.


Additional information

Waterbase contains timely, reliable and policy-relevant data collected from EEA member countries through the WISE-SoE data collection (formerly known as Eionet-Water and Eurowaternet) process. WISE-SoE data collection selects validated monitoring data from national databases and adds information on the physical characteristics of the water bodies being monitored and on the pressures potentially affecting water quality. The added value of Waterbase is that data collected through the WISE-SoE data collection process are from statistically stratified monitoring stations and groundwater bodies and are comparable at the European level. Waterbase data are primarily used in the production of the EEAs indicator-based factsheets.