

Waterbase - Lakes

Prod-ID: DAT-9-en
Created 15 Apr 2009 Published 15 Apr 2009 Last modified 15 Dec 2022
21 min read
This page was archived on 07 Jul 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-lakes-10 was published)
Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA's databases on the status and quality of Europe's rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and on the quantity of Europe's water resources

European data

Waterbase-Lakes: Quality

The Quality table contains data on nutrients and organic matter in water measured at WISE-SoE lake monitoring stations. Each station has been assigned a unique Waterbase identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the Quality data with their respective Stations and Pressures data. Each record has five special quality assurance fields. Their meaning is explained in the QA documentation which can be found in the "Additional information" section.

[+] Show table definition (records:   251230)

Year Year year of aggregation period (aggregated data sets), or year in which sample taken (disaggregated data sets), in format YYYY. Year should be no later than that requested in the latest data request. smallint(2) 0
PeriodLength Period length number of months in aggregation period. smallint(2) 0
NoOfSubsites Number of subsites smallint(2) 0
NumberOfSamples Number of samples number of samples in aggregation period. smallint(2) 0
QA_outlier Quality assurance field - outlier flag the highlighted data quality issues are explained in the QA documentation smallint(2) 0
SampleDepth Sample depth depth at which sample taken in m below water surface float(8) 0
LimitofDetection Limit of detection concentration for which there is a desirably small probability (around 5%) that the determinand will not be detected, i.e. there is a 95% probability that the determinand will be detected. float(8) 0
LimitofDetermination Limit of determination the smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). float(8) 0
Mean Mean mean concentration value of aggregated data. On aggregation, sample concentration values recorded as below the limit of detection or determination have been replaced with a value equivalent to half the limit of detection or determination. float(8) 0
Minimum Minimum minimum concentration value of aggregated data. On aggregation, sample concentration values recorded as below the limit of detection or determination have been replaced with a value equivalent to half the limit of detection or determination. float(8) 0
Maximum Maximum maximum concentration value of aggregated data. On aggregation, sample concentration values recorded as below the limit of detection or determination have been replaced with a value equivalent to half the limit of detection or determination. float(8) 0
TotalDepth Total depth of water column Total depth of water column at the sampling location and at the time of sampling (meters) float(8) 0
Median Median median concentration value of aggregated data. On aggregation, sample concentration values recorded as below the limit of detection or determination have been replaced with a value equivalent to half the limit of detection or determination. float(8) 0
StandardDeviation Standard deviation standard deviation of concentration values of aggregated data. On aggregation, sample concentration values recorded as below the limit of detection or determination have been replaced with a value equivalent to half the limit of detection or determination. float(8) 0
Alkalinity Alkalinity Long-term average alkalinity. float(8) 0
Conductivity Conductivity Conductivity is the ability of water to lead electricity, and is proportional to the concentration of dissolved salts in the water sample. float(8) 0
pH pH pH = -log[H] float(8) 0
Temperature Mean annual water temperature C (degrees Celsius) float(8) 0
CountryCode Country code abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating country. ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements. nvarchar(2) -1
WaterbaseID Waterbase ID internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring station for rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal and marine waters, and water quantity, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_NationalStationID (e.g. AT_RV_001), or the groundwater body, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_EWN-Code (e.g. AT_GW_AT001). nvarchar(60) -1
Determinand Determinand determinand name. nvarchar(30) 0
Unit Unit unit of measurement. nvarchar(10) 0
AggregationPeriod Aggregation period period of aggregation: Annual=aggregated over whole year, Summer=aggregated over summer months, Winter=aggregated over winter months, MMYYYY-MMYYYY or YYYY-YYYY=aggregated between two periods (TCM only). nvarchar(30) 0
MethodOfAggregation Method of aggregation Method of aggregation (dimension and summary statistic) nvarchar(0) 0
QA_datatype_errors Quality assurance field - data type and data definition errors list of field names and their values where values do not follow official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(255) 0
CEN_ISO CEN/ISO CEN/ISO code of the methods. nvarchar(150) 0
Limitflag Limit of Detection or Determination Flag Flag to indicate sample below analytical limit of detection or determination nvarchar(1) 0
Remarks Remarks remarks, comments or explanatory notes. nvarchar(255) 0
QA_LRviolations Quality assurance field - numerical list of logical rules violated in record tested logical rules are explanained in QA documentation. nvarchar(255) 0
QA_CRviolations Quality assurance field - numerical list of chemical rules violated by record tested chemical rules are explanained in QA documentation nvarchar(20) 0
QA_station_problems Quality assurance field - stations data quality issues flag the highlighted stations data quality issues are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(25) 0
Waterbase-Lakes: Hazardous substances

The HazSub table contains data on hazardous substances in water measured at WISE-SoE lake monitoring stations. Each station has been assigned a unique Waterbase identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the HazSubs data with their respective Stations and Pressures data. Each record has three special quality assurance fields. Their meaning is explained in the QA documentation which can be found in the "Additional information" section.

[+] Show table definition (records:   125759)

Year Year year of aggregation period (aggregated data sets), or year in which sample taken (disaggregated data sets), in format YYYY. Year should be no later than that requested in the last Eionet-Water data request. smallint(2) 0
Month Month month in which sample taken, values in range 0-12. If the month value has not been supplied the value will be 0. smallint(2) 0
Day Day day in which sample was taken, values in range 0-31. If the day value has not been supplied the value will be 0. smallint(2) 0
NoOfSubsites Number of subsites smallint(2) 0
NumberOfSamples Number of samples number of samples in aggregation period. smallint(2) 0
QA_outlier Quality assurance field - outlier flag the highlighted data quality issues are explained in the QA documentation smallint(2) 0
SampleDepth Sample depth depth at which sample taken in m below water surface float(8) 0
LimitOfDetection Limit of detection concentration for which there is a desirably small probability (around 5%) that the determinand will not be detected, i.e. there is a 95% probability that the determinand will be detected. float(8) 0
LimitOfDetermination Limit of determination the smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). float(8) 0
Concentration Concentration concentration of determinand in sample. Concentration values recorded as below the limit of detection or determination should contain the limit of detection or determination in the concentration field, with the LimitFlag field set to <. float(8) 0
StandardDeviation Standard deviation standard deviation of concentration values of aggregated data. On aggregation, sample concentration values recorded as below the limit of detection or determination have been replaced with a value equivalent to half the limit of detection or determination. float(8) 0
Hardness Water hardness float(8) 0
Na Concentration of natrium mg/l float(8) 0
K Concentration of kalium mg/l float(8) 0
HCO3 Concentration of hydrogen carbonate mg/l float(8) 0
Cl Concentration of chloride mg/l float(8) 0
SO4 Concentration of sulphate mg/l float(8) 0
SuspendedParticulateMatter Concentration of suspended particulate matter (such as clay or other mineral particles, detrital particles, bacteria and algal cells) mg/l float(8) 0
DissolvedOrganicMatter Concentration of dissolved organic matter mg/l float(8) 0
pH pH pH = -log[H] float(8) 0
Temperature Mean annual water temperature C (degrees Celsius) float(8) 0
Ca Concentration of calcium mg/l float(8) 0
Mg Concentration magnesium mg/l float(8) 0
CountryCode Country Code ISO3166 two digit code nvarchar(2) -1
WaterbaseID Unique Waterbase Identifier represents the EWN groundwater body code nvarchar(60) -1
Determinand_HazSubs Name of Hazardous Substance Determinand nvarchar(50) 0
Unit_HazSubs Unit unit of measurement of hazardous substances nvarchar(10) 0
CASNumber CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance, as defined in the codelist. nvarchar(20) 0
SampleAnalysis Sample analysis code F = Analysis undertaken on filtered water sample; S=Analysis undertaken on suspended matter; T=Analysis undertaken on unfiltered water sample nvarchar(1) 0
CEN_ISO CEN/ISO CEN/ISO code of the methods. nvarchar(150) 0
MethodOfAggregation Method of aggregation Method of aggregation (dimension and summary statistic) nvarchar(255) 0
LimitFlag Limit of Detection or Determination Flag Flag to indicate sample below analytical limit of detection or determination nvarchar(1) 0
Remarks Remarks nvarchar(255) 0
QA_station_problems Quality assurance field - stations data quality issues flag the highlighted stations data quality issues are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(25) 0
QA_datatype_errors Quality assurance field - data type and data definition errors list of field names and their values where values do not follow official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(255) 0
Waterbase-Lakes: Microsoft Access database (4 tables)

Database contains all data tables. Detailed table definitions are displayed in the section with individual tables.

Waterbase-Lakes: Stations

The Stations table contains the physical characteristics of the WISE-SoE lake monitoring stations. Each station has been assigned a unique Waterbase identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the Stations with their respective Quality and Pressures data. Each record has two special quality assurance fields. Its meaning is explained in the QA documentation which can be found in the "Additional information" section.

[+] Show table definition (records:   2544)

Longitude Longitude (X) international geographical co-ordinates in decimal degrees format. Longitude provided using the common geodetic datum ETS89 (rivers, lakes, groundwater, water quantity) or WGS84 (TCM). Negative values used for co-ordinates west of the Greenwich Meridian (0 degrees). Where TCM stations represent a broader area, the central location of the area is provided. float(8) 0
Latitude Latitude (Y) international geographical co-ordinates in decimal degrees format. Latitude provided using the common geodetic datum ETS89 (rivers, lakes, groundwater, water quantity) or WGS84 (TCM). Where TCM stations represent a broader area, the central location of the area is provided. float(8) 0
Altitude Altitude altitude of station in m above sea level. For lakes, the altitude of the lake is provided. float(8) 0
CatchmentArea Catchment area catchment area upstream of the station, in km2. For lakes, the catchment area upstream of the lake is shown. If more than one station exists in the lake, the catchment area value should be the same for all stations. float(8) 0
SurfaceArea Surface area Surface area of lake in square kilometres. float(8) 0
MeanDepth Mean depth Mean depth of the lake in metres. float(8) 0
MaximumDepth Maximum depth Maximum depth of the lake in metres. float(8) 0
ResidenceTime Residence time Average lake residence time in years calculated as volume/annual flow. float(8) 0
Volume Lake volume Volume of water in lake in million cubic metres. float(8) 0
WaterColourAverage Water colour long-term average concentration Long-term average concentration of water colour, expressing the concentration of humic substances at the station. float(8) 0
AlkalinityAverage Alkalinity average Long-term average of alkalinity of water at the station. float(8) 0
CountryCode Country code abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating country. ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements. nvarchar(2) -1
WaterbaseID Waterbase ID internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring station for rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal and marine waters, and water quantity, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_NationalStationID (e.g. AT_RV_001), or the groundwater body, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_EWN-Code (e.g. AT_GW_AT001). nvarchar(60) -1
NationalStationID National station ID Identifier of the monitoring station for rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal and marine waters unique at the national level. nvarchar(60) 0
EU_CD WFD code of monitoring station nvarchar(30) 0
EUCD_NATRB WFD code of river basin district nvarchar(15) 0
WaterbaseName Waterbase name national name of station or groundwater body. nvarchar(255) 0
SamplingDepth Sampling depth Depth at which sample taken in metres below the lake surface. nvarchar(255) 0
Purpose Purpose of monitoring station The purpose of the monitoring station in terms of to which directives, conventions or agreements will the data from the station be used for reporting. nvarchar(255) 0
Remarks Remarks remarks, comments or explanatory notes. nvarchar(255) 0
QA_station_problems Quality assurance field - stations data quality issues flag the highlighted stations data quality issues are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(50) 0
QA_datatype_errors Quality assurance field - data type and data definition errors list of field names and their values where values do not follow official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(255) 0
ArtificialWB Artificial water body Station is located in an artificial water body, (e.g. artificial water reservoir) in terms of hydromorphological impacts, such as impoundments and high water level fluctuations, according to WFD- compliant national guidelines. nvarchar(1) 0
LakeReservoir Reservoir, non-natural lake nvarchar(1) 0
Location Location Location of the lake monitoring site (e.g. main outlet of lake, centre of lake, etc.) nvarchar(255) 0
Geology Geology The dominating geology in the catchment, given according to the WFD Annex 2 categories: Siliceous, calcareous or organic (peat). nvarchar(10) 0
WaterColourLevel Water colour average level Average level of water colour as defined by the WFD intercalibration typology: Low (<30 mg/l Pt = oligohumic), moderate (30-90 mg/l Pt = mesohumic) or high (>90 mg/l Pt = polyhumic). nvarchar(10) 0
Alkalinitylevel Alkalinity level Long-term average level of alkalinity as defined by the WFD intercalibration typology: Low alk. (<0.2 meq/L), moderate alk. (0.2-1 meq/L) or high alk. (>1 meq/L). nvarchar(10) 0
Region Region national region in which water body is located. nvarchar(255) 0
ReferenceStation Reference station reference station type, found in catchments or associated River Basin Districts with little or no human activity, natural landscape higher than 90%, and minimally impacted by inflow from adjacent coastal or marine waters. Concentrations of nutrients or hazardous substances occurring naturally would give an indication of background levels. For volatile sunthetic substances, data from these stations might be used to assess the significance of atmospheric deposition. River and lake stations can be of more than one type. 1=yes, 0=no. nvarchar(1) 0
RepresentativeStation Representative station representative station type, reflecting the general quality of rivers, lakes, transitional or coastal water bodies or marine water areas. Quality influenced by diffuse and/or point sources of pollution from upstream activities. Pollutants from point sources would be fully mixed and diluted within the ambient water flow/volume. Stations may be part of national networks monitoring nutrients, organic matter and hazardous substances. They may be included in surveillance and/or operational monitoring programmes as required by the WFD. River and lake stations can be of more than one type. 1=yes, 0=no. nvarchar(1) 0
LargestStation Largest station largest, most important station type, including the nationally most important or well known rivers or lakes. Some stations are likely to be monitored for the EU Exchange of Information Decision. River and lake stations can be of more than one type. 1=yes, 0=no. nvarchar(1) 0
ImpactStation Impact station impact station type, located within the zone where initial mixing of discharges takes place with receiving waters. Concentrations may be worst-case. Impact stations may be used to assess the compliance of discharges with standards established for hazardous substances and may be included in operational monitoring programmes as required by the WFD. Data are not required from investigative monitoring stations. River and lake stations can be of more than one type. 1=yes, 0=no. nvarchar(1) 0
HMWB Heavily modified water body Lake is identified as heavily modified in terms of hydromorphological impacts, such as impoundments and high water level fluctuations, according to WFD-compliant national guidelines. nvarchar(1) 0
LakeName Name of Lake nvarchar(255) 0
WaterBodyType Water body type RV=river, CN=canal, T=transitional water, C=coastal water, M=marine water. nvarchar(2) 0
WaterBodyID Water body ID national identification code of water body (if applicable) in which station is located. Water body as required/defined by the WFD. A water body may have more than one station in it. nvarchar(50) 0
WaterBodyName Water body name name of water body in which station is located. Water body as required/defined by the WFD. A water body may have more than one station in it. nvarchar(255) 0
CatchmentName Catchment name name of major catchment or basin. nvarchar(255) 0
RiverbasinDistrict River basin district name or identifier of the River Basin District in which the water body is located. River Basin Districts as required/defined by the Water Framework Directive. nvarchar(255) 0
Waterbase-Lakes: Pressures

The Pressures table contains proxy pressure data on the upstream catchments of WISE-SoE lakes monitoring stations. Each station has been assigned a unique Waterbase identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the Pressures data with their respective Stations and Quality data. Each record has two special quality assurance fields. Its meaning is explained in the QA documentation which can be found in the "Additional information" section.

[+] Show table definition (records:   1113)

PopulationDensity Population density population density of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set) in capita/km2. float(8) 0
LanduseUrban Urban land use urban agricultural land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use based on Corine Land Cover category 1.1. float(8) 0
LanduseWetland Wetland land use wetland agricultural land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use based on Corine Land Cover category 4.1 plus 4.2. float(8) 0
LanduseNature Natural land use natural land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use based on Corine Land Cover category 3.2 plus 3.3. float(8) 0
LanduseForest Landuse forest forested land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use based on Corine Land Cover category 3.1. float(8) 0
LanduseTotalAgriculture Total agricultural land use total agricultural land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use based on Corine Land Cover category 2. float(8) 0
LanduseOtherAgriculture Other agricultural land use other agricultural land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use based on Corine Land Cover category 2.2 plus 2.4. float(8) 0
LanduseArable Land use arable Arable land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use data based on Corine Land Cover category 2.1. float(8) 0
LandusePasture Pastoral land use pastoral land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, within the area of the groundwater body, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). Land use based on Corine Land Cover category 2.1. float(8) 0
LanduseOther Other land use other land use as a percentage of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station or lake, within the area of the groundwater body, the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water (TCM data set), or the area within the River Basin District to which the coastal water has been assigned (TCM data set). float(8) 0
CountryCode Country code abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating country. ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements. nvarchar(2) -1
WaterbaseID Waterbase ID internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring station for rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal and marine waters, and water quantity, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_NationalStationID (e.g. AT_RV_001), or the groundwater body, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_EWN-Code (e.g. AT_GW_AT001). nvarchar(60) -1
UWWT Urban waste water treatment discharges Point source pressure from urban waste water treatment discharges. nvarchar(1) 0
OverflowsDischarges Storm overflows and urban discharges Point source pressure from overflows and urban discharges. nvarchar(1) 0
IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Installation Point source pressure from IPPC installations. nvarchar(1) 0
nonIPPC Non-Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Installation Point source pressure from non-IPPC installations. nvarchar(1) 0
Irrigation Water abstraction for irrigation Water abstractions pressures due to irrigation. nvarchar(1) 0
Cooling Water abstraction for cooling Water abstractions pressures due to needs for cooling water, e.g. for nuclear power plants or other industrial activities. nvarchar(1) 0
WaterFlowRegulation Water flow regulation and morphological alterations Activity type can be e.g. agriculture, navigation, hydropower, or other. nvarchar(1) 0
Remarks Remarks remarks, comments or explanatory notes. nvarchar(255) 0
QA_station_problems Quality assurance field - stations data quality issues flag the highlighted stations data quality issues are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(25) 0
QA_datatype_errors Quality assurance field - data type and data definition errors list of field names and their values where values do not follow official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation nvarchar(255) 0
Fertiliser Fertiliser use Diffuse sources pressures from agricultural fertiliser use. nvarchar(1) 0
Pesticide Pesticide use Diffuse sources pressures from agricultural pesticide use. nvarchar(1) 0
Livestock Livestock Diffuse sources pressures from agricultural livestock. nvarchar(1) 0
TransportInfrastructure Transport and infrastructure Diffuse sources pressures from transport and infrastructure without connection to sewers. nvarchar(1) 0
PublicWaterSupply Water abstraction for public water supply Water abstractions pressures due to public water supply. nvarchar(1) 0
Industry Water abstraction for industry Water abstractions pressures due to industry. nvarchar(1) 0

Additional information

Country codes and abbreviations (34 records)

Table contains list of ISO 3166 alpha 2 code elements used in Waterbase-Lakes version 9

Tables metadata

File contains metadata definitions of all data tables.

QA documentation

Quality control documentation briefly presents ETC/Water and EEA activities focused on quality of Waterbase-Lakes dataset and results of these activities. In addition warning is given on the use of certain records for analytical purposes.


Additional information

Waterbase contains timely, reliable and policy-relevant data collected from EEA member countries through the WISE-SoE data collection (formerly known as Eionet-Water and Eurowaternet) process. WISE-SoE data collection selects validated monitoring data from national databases and adds information on the physical characteristics of the water bodies being monitored and on the pressures potentially affecting water quality. The added value of Waterbase is that data collected through the WISE-SoE data collection process are from statistically stratified monitoring stations and groundwater bodies and are comparable at the European level. Waterbase data are primarily used in the production of the EEA's indicator-based factsheets.