

Reference Waterbase - Rivers

Prod-ID: DAT-4-en
Created 30 Sep 2003 Published 30 Sep 2003 Last modified 15 Dec 2022
8 min read
This page was archived on 05 Dec 2016 with reason: Other (The dataset is replaced by Waterbase - Water Quality dataset, which combines Waterbase - Rivers, Lakes and Groundwater into one. It's available at
Reference Waterbase is the EEA's database on the status and quality of Europe's rivers, lakes and groundwater bodies

European data

Reference WATERBASE - Rivers: stations' pressures characteristic data

The Pressure table contains proxy pressure data on the upstream catchments of EUROWATERNET river monitoring stations. Each station has been assigned a unique WATERBASE identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the Pressure data with their respective Stations and Quality data.

[+] Show table definition (records:   2272)

LanduseOther LanduseOther Other land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LanduseOtherAgriculture LanduseOtherAgriculture Other agricultural land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LanduseArableLand LanduseArableLand Arable land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LandusePasture LandusePasture Pastural land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LanduseNature LanduseNature Natural land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LanduseForest LanduseForest Forested land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LanduseTotalAgriculture LanduseTotalAgriculture Total agricultural land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
PopulationDensity PopulationDensity Population density (capita/km2) of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LanduseUrban LanduseUrban Urban land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
LanduseWetland LanduseWetland Wetland land use as % of the upstream catchment area of the river or lake monitoring station or within the area of the groundwater body float(8) 0
CountryCode CountryCode ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements nvarchar(2) 0
WaterbaseID WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring stations for rivers or lakes or the groundwater bodies varchar(20) -1
Reference WATERBASE - Rivers: chemical QualityWater data

The QualityWater table contains data on nutrients and organic matter measured at the EUROWATERNET river monitoring stations. Each station has been assigned a unique WATERBASE identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the QualityWater data with their respective Stations and Pressure data.

[+] Show table definition (records:   428352)

90Percentile 90Percentile 90th percentile concentration during aggregation period float(8) 0
Median Median Median concentration during aggregation period float(8) 0
StandardDeviation StandardDeviation float(8) 0
10Percentile 10Percentile 10th percentile concentration during aggregation period float(8) 0
Mean Mean Average concentration during aggregation period float(8) 0
Minimum Minimum Minimum concentration during aggregation period float(8) 0
Maximum Maximum Maximum concentration during aggregation period float(8) 0
Year Year Year of aggregation period in format YYYY int(4) 0
PeriodLength PeriodLength Number of months in aggregation period int(4) 0
NoOfSamples NoOfSamples Number of samples in aggregation period int(4) 0
AggregationPeriod AggregationPeriod Period of aggregation: Annual = aggregated over whole year, Summer = aggregated over summer months, Winter = aggregated over winter months nvarchar(10) 0
CountryCode CountryCode ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements nvarchar(2) 0
Determinand Determinand Determinand name as defined in meta data section "Unit" nvarchar(30) 0
Unit Unit Unit of measurement as defined in meta data section "Unit" nvarchar(30) 0
WaterbaseID WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring stations for rivers or lakes or the groundwater bodies varchar(20) -1
Reference WATERBASE - Rivers: stations characteristic data

The Stations table contains data on the EUROWATERNET river monitoring stations' physical characteristics. Each station has been assigned a unique WATERBASE identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the Stations with their respective Quality and Pressure data.

[+] Show table definition (records:   3572)

Latitude Latitude (Y) International geographical co-ordinates of the monitoring station in decimal degrees format float(8) 0
RiverDischarge RiverDischarge Mean long term river discharge in m3/s float(8) 0
CatchmentArea CatchmentArea Upstream catchment area in km2 float(8) 0
Altitude Altitude Altitude of monitoring station in m above sea level float(8) 0
Longitude Longitude (X) International geographical co-ordinates of the monitoring station in decimal degrees format float(8) 0
RevisionYear RevisionYear Last year of revision or update of characteristics int(4) 0
Region Region Region in which water body is located at the national level nvarchar(100) 0
StationType StationType Type of monitoring station. For rivers, lakes and groundwater: B = Reference, R = Representative, F = Flux, L = Largest, Most Important, I = Impact. Stations can be of more than one type. If so, types will be listed alphabetically with no separator e.g. FL nvarchar(20) 0
NationalStationID NationalStationID National station identifier of river or lake monitoring station or groundwater body nvarchar(50) 0
RiverName RiverName River name at the national level nvarchar(100) 0
CatchmentName CatchmentName Catchment name at the national level nvarchar(100) 0
CountryCode CountryCode ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements nvarchar(2) 0
Country Country Official short name in English nvarchar(50) 0
WaterbaseName WaterbaseName Name of the river station, lake or groundwater body nvarchar(200) 0
WaterbaseID WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring stations for rivers or lakes or the groundwater bodies varchar(20) -1
WaterBodyType WaterBodyType R = River, L = Lake, GW = Groundwater varchar(2) 0


Additional information

The data contained in this database can be accessed through a series of web pages which form part of the EEA Data Service's public web site. Pre-defined applications have been designed to assist the user to extract and analyse the data in a format that is both helpful and meaningful. Reference Waterbase contains timely, reliable and policy-relevant data collected from EEA member countries through the Eurowaternet (EWN) process. EWN selects validated, mostly aggregated, monitoring data from national databases and adds information on the physical characteristics of the water bodies being monitored and on the pressures potentially affecting water quality. Although many countries make their highly aggregated data available over the Internet, the level and form of aggregation often varies from country to country making detailed quantitative comparisons difficult. The added value of Reference Waterbase is that data collected through the EWN process are from statistically stratified monitoring stations and groundwater bodies and are comparable at European level. These data are primarily used in the production of the EEA's indicator-based factsheets. Data disclaimer: The data in Reference Waterbase are sub-samples of national data assembled for the purpose of providing comparable indicators of pressures, state and impact of waters on a Europe-wide scale and the data sets are not intended for assessing compliance with any European Directive or any other legal instrument. Information on the national and sub-national scales should be sought from other sources.