
Reference WATERBASE - Groundwater: bodies characteristic data

Data Table
This page was archived on 16 Jun 2014 with reason: Other (Access to earlier versions of Waterbase-Groundwater data files have been restricted to authorised users only.)
Bodies table - this table contains data on the EUROWATERNET groundwater monitoring bodies' physical characteristics. Each body has been assigned a unique WATERBASE identifier (WaterbaseID).
European data
Table definition
GwDepthTo Depth to groundwater is the distance from the land surface to the top of the GW-body in m float(8) 0
LanduseArableLand Arable land use as % within the area of the GW-body float(8) 0
AnnualPrecipitation Long term average annual precipitation over the GW-body in mm/year float(8) 0
GwHorizon Groundwater horizon in which the groundwater body is situated. 1 = top horizon etc. float(8) 0
GwBodyThickness The approx. thickness of the groundwater body in m float(8) 0
WaterbaseIDName Name of the "Unique Waterbase Identifier" represents the name of the groundwater body nvarchar(200) 0
Countrycode Country Code ISO3166 two digit code nvarchar(2) 0
WaterbaseID Unique Waterbase Identifier represents the EWN groundwater body code nvarchar(20) -1
GwBodyArea Groundwater body area in km2 float(8) 0
AquiferType Aquifer type porous media, fractured media, karst nvarchar(15) 0
Country Country name (ISO 3166-1) official short name in English nvarchar(100) 0


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