

Nationally designated areas (CDDA)

Prod-ID: DAT-24-en
Created 03 Dec 2007 Published 03 Dec 2007 Last modified 28 Jun 2016
8 min read
This page was archived on 31 Oct 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/nationally-designated-areas-national-cdda-9 was published)
The European inventory of nationally designated areas holds information about protected sites and about the national legislative instruments, which directly or indirectly create protected areas

European data

IUCN categories

Table contains the IUCN management categories according to the new system. IUCN (1994), Guidelines for Protected Area Management Categories:

[+] Show table definition (records:   8)

Definition Definition of IUCN management category ntext(16) 0
Iucncat IUCN management category nvarchar(4) -1
Title Title of the type of site under particular management category nvarchar(255) 0
CDDA - Microsoft Access database (6 tables)

Database contains all data tables and lookup tables. Detailed table definitions are displayed in the section with individual tables.

Site habitats table

Table contains data on habitats and habitat cover within the site boundary of each individual designated site.

[+] Show table definition (records:   11647)

Cover The percentage of the site covered by this habitat class float(8) 0
Site_code Unique record identifier for nationally designated areas int(4) -1
Eunis_hab EUNIS habitat classification class code the unique code of the EUNIS habitat classification up to the fourth level (see look-up table EUNIS habitat classification). nvarchar(5) -1
Parent_ISO ISO 3 characters country code nvarchar(3) 0
Sites data table

Table contains main information (name, location, area, IUCN category etc) of each individual designated area at national level.

[+] Show table definition (records:   89500)

Site_code Unique record identifier within the CDDA data base for nationally designated areas int(4) -1
Lat Latitude, geographical coordinate in decimal degrees numeric(9,6) 0
Lon Longitude, geographical coordinate in decimal degrees numeric(9,6) 0
Size Site surface area in ha numeric(13,5) 0
Altitude_min The minimum altitude (meters) above the sea level within the site boundaries numeric(5,1) 0
Altitude_max The maximum altitude (meters) above sea level within the site boundaries numeric(5,1) 0
Nuts Administrative Region Code according to the coding system of EUROSTAT nvarchar(5) 0
Desig_abbr National designation type code nvarchar(5) -1
Areaname Site name as given in local language nvarchar(120) 0
Iucncat IUCN management category (see look-up table IUCN categories) nvarchar(4) 0
Site_code_nat National site code unique record identifier in the national source database nvarchar(12) 0
Parent_iso ISO 3 characters country code nvarchar(3) 0
Iso3 ISO 3 characters country code (in case of overseas territories, code of those) nvarchar(3) 0
Year Year of establishment. Year when the site was created under current designation. smallint(2) 0
List of designations by country

Table contains list of designations, references to laws as well as number and total area of sites per designation.

[+] Show table definition (records:   832)

Number Number of sites with that designation from table Sites within CDDA-National int(4) 0
Law Title and article of the law designation ntext(16) 0
Lawreference Title and article of the law designation comes from ntext(16) 0
Agency Name and address of the highest administrative authority responsible for this designation ntext(16) 0
Total_area Total area of sites with that designation from table Sites within CDDA-National numeric(13,5) 0
Odesignate Title in original language nvarchar(100) 0
Designate Title in English nvarchar(100) 0
Title_french Title in French nvarchar(255) 0
Iso3 ISO 3 character country code nvarchar(3) 0
Desig_abbr National designation type code nvarchar(5) -1
Category National designation type category the designation type category according to the codes (A, B or C) appendix D of the Natura 2000 and Emerald Standard Data Form (see look-up table National designation type categories). nvarchar(1) 0
Parent_ISO ISO 3 characters country code nvarchar(3) 0
National designation type category

[+] Show table definition (records:   3)

Category National designation type category the designation type category according to the codes (A, B or C) appendix D of the Natura 2000 and Emerald Standard Data Form nvarchar(1) -1
Definition Designation type category definition nvarchar(200) 0
EUNIS habitat classification

Table contains EUNIS habitat classification level 1 to level. 4 If needed, any additional information can be obtained from ETC/BD or from EUNIS at

[+] Show table definition (records:   1622)

Scientific_name Scientific name of the habitat nchar(255) 0
Eunis_hab EUNIS habitat classification class code the unique code of the EUNIS habitat classification up to the fourth level. nvarchar(10) -1
Hab_level Habitat level in classification tinyint(1) 0

GIS data


Site boundaries Zipped ESRI shapefile, vector polygon.

  • CDDA_boundaries2007
    Download file

Additional information

Tables metadata

File contains metadata definitions of all data tables and look-up tables.

Nationally designated areas (National - CDDA)

Quality control documentation - Public version

Country codes and abbreviations (65 records)

Table contains list of ISO Alpha 3 codes used in CDDA_designations and CDDA_sites tables. Complete and actual list can be found at the following URL: (Source: United Nations Statistics Division).

Database relation structure diagram


Additional information

The inventory began under the CORINE programme. It is now maintained for EEA by the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity and is annually updated through Eionet. EEA provides the European inventory of nationally designated areas to theWorld Database of Protected Areas (WDPA) and to Eurostat. The nationally designated areas data can also be queried online in the European Nature Information System (EUNIS). The inventory is the national module of the Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) which also includes information on areas designated under European Community legislation and areas designated under international conventions. A poster describing the CDDA is available at:
Geographical coverage GIS vector data: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland. EEA does not have permission to distribute some or all sites reported by Austria, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Greece and the Netherlands. Copyright has to be mentioned for Estonia, Germany and Slovenia.
This information is from the European Common Database on Designated Areas established and managed collaboratively by the European Environment Agency, the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the Council of Europe, based on data provided by national sources