

Air Quality e-Reporting (AQ e-Reporting)

Prod-ID: DAT-3-en
Created 26 Apr 2016 Published 16 May 2016 Last modified 27 Apr 2017
178 min read
This page was archived on 27 Apr 2017 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/aqereporting-2 was published)
European air quality information reported by EEA member countries, including all EU Member States, as well as EEA cooperating countries. The EEA’s air quality database consists of a multi-annual time series of air quality measurement data and calculated statistics for a number of air pollutants. It also contains meta-information on the monitoring networks involved, their stations and measurements.

European data

European metadata

[+] Show table definition (records:   31442)

Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutantCode Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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European annual statistics

European data set with annual statistics combined for all countries are published via the AIDE web application at: Users should note that the dataset may may contain both verified and unverified data received from countries.

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  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Id Unique id of the record string. string
Country Name of country. string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
Reporting Year Year for which statistics were calculated. numeric
Network Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
Network name Name of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
Measurement station Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
Station EoI code EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
Measurement station name Name of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
Sampling point (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
Used for compliance Indication if measurement station is used for compliance assessment. string
Data aggregation process Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: process). string
Data reporting metric Information about reporting metric which is used for compliance assessment (see in Data Dictionary: tric). string
Objective type Information about objective type which is used for compliance assessment (see in Data Dictionary: e). string
Protection target Information about protection target which is used for compliance assessment (see in Data Dictionary: rget). string
Air pollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
Air pollution level Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
Exceedance threshold Information about exceedance threshold which is used for compliance assessment (see in Data Dictionary: alobjective). numeric
Unit Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: ion). string
Data coverage Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within averaging period, expressed as percentage. If Data Coverage < 75% for averaging period of a year, annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments, if Data Coverage < 85% (in a year), annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks. numeric
Data verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: erification). numeric
Type of station Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: ication). string
Area of station Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: ation). string
Latitude of station Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Longitude of station Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Zone code Zone code, as declared by data provider in report on assessment methods. string
Zone description Zone description/geographical name, as declared by data provider in report on air quality zones. string
Type of zone Type of zone, as declared by data provider in report on air quality zones. string

Data by country


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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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Czech Republic

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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric



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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

[+] Show table definition

  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
  • (ZIP archive - 15MB)
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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[+] Show table definition

  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
  • (ZIP archive - 255MB)
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  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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[+] Show table definition

  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

[+] Show table definition

  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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United Kingdom

[+] Show table definition

  • Primary observations time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProcess (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: string
AveragingTime Averaging time/frequency of reported air quality values (see in Data Dictionary: string
Concentration Measured concentration of air polluting substance. string
UnitOfMeasurement Unit of concentration of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (UTC+1 for hourly data and original time zone for other averaging times). string
Validity Information about data validity, given by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information whether data have been verified by data provider (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Statistics/aggregated time series:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country String
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. String
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirPollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see "notation" in Data Dictionary: string
DataAggregationProcess Information about process of data aggregation into values other than hourly (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirPollutionLevel Concentration or level of air polluting substance, here given as an aggregation of air pollutant concentration values from primary observation time series. numeric
UnitOfAirPollutionLevel Unit of concentration or level of air polluting substance (see in Data Dictionary: string
DataCapture Proportion of valid measurement time relative to the total measured time (time coverage) in the averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric

Proportion of valid measurement included in the aggregation process within the averaging period, expressed as percentage. As general rules:
- if Data Coverage < 75% for an averaging period of a year, the annual statistics should not be included in air quality assessments
- if Data Coverage < 85% in a year, annual statistics should not be included in compliance checks.

TimeCoverage Proportion of total measured time within the full averaging period, expressed as percentage. numeric
DatetimeBegin Datetime begin of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
DatetimeEnd Datetime end of measurement (time zone as defined for the air quality network). string
Validity Validity flags based on Data Capture, data are 'not valid' if Data Capture <75% (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
Verification Information based on verification flags found in reported time series (see in Data Dictionary: numeric
  • Metadata: 
Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country. string
Timezone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (Data Dictionary: string
Namespace (PK) Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
AirQualityNetwork Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStation Inspire identifier (LocalId) of air quality measurement station, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
AirQualityStationNatCode National code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
SamplingProces (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Sample (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sample (featureofinterest), given by data provider. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (See "id" in Data Dictionary: string
ObservationDateBegin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). string
ObservationDateEnd End date of observation constellation. string
Projection Identifier of spatial reference system (EPSG). string
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
MeasurementType Information if measurement was taken using active or passive sampling, by automatic analyzer or remote sensor (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationType Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
AirQualityStationArea Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
EquivalenceDemonstrated Information on measuring method equivalence (see in Data Dictionary: string
MeasurementEquipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
InletHeight Height above ground level on which samples of air are taken [m]. numeric
BuildingDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest building [m]. numeric
KerbDistance Distance from the sampling inlet to a nearest kerbside [m]. numeric
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Additional information

Mapping AQ e-Reporting and AirBase v8

[+] Show table definition

Field nameDescriptionData type
Countrycode ISO2 code of country string
SamplingPoint (PK) Inspire identifier (LocalId) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
AirQualityStationEoICode (PK) EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase). string
component_code (PK) Air polluting substance, (AirBase code). numeric
measurement_european_group_code (PK) Measurement European group code. string
AirPollutant (PK) Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary: utant). string
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AQ e-Reporting products on EEA Data Service
  • AQeReporting_products_2016_v1.pdf (PDF document - 565KB)
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Additional information

Users of the data are advised to pay attention to the validation and verification flags associated with the raw data and aggregated statistics as well as to the information on data coverage. References to these concepts can be found within the documentation AQeReporting_products_2016_v1.pdf

DISCLAIMER: the data set for 2014 is based on the new reporting procedures for air quality information. Inconsistencies, incompleteness and/or errors cannot be ruled out in this second year of implementing these new reporting procedures. EEA would appreciate if any possible problems are brought to our attention.

Additional data services