
Indicator Fact Sheet

Urban spatial characteristics and transport

Indicator Fact Sheet
Prod-ID: IND-234-en
  Also known as: TERM 014
This page was archived on 07 May 2015 with reason: No more updates will be done

This indicator is no longer being regularly updated

Assessment made on  01 Oct 2003

Generic metadata



DPSIR: Driving force


Indicator codes
  • TERM 014

Policy issue:  Ensure access to basic services by environment-friendly modes


Key assessment

The share of public transport and the intensity of its use generally increases with increasing density of the population of an urban area. Also the coverage of the costs for public transport is favoured by a concentration of travel demand and activities. Due to this concentration accessibility of public transport — but also by walking and cycling — can approach that of cars. The latter is also due to congestion on urban roads and limited (parking)space, which make it harder to get around in a car. Because of this, car ownership generally decreases with increasing population density.However, access to services and activities tend to become increasingly dependent on the car. Working places and shopping areas are increasingly located on greenfield areas at the edges of urban areas, where more (parking)space is available and ground prices are lower. As a result basic services tend to retreat from the residential areas. In addition, budget cuts in government services such as health care and education has led to a concentration of these services in a smaller number of large-scale locations.



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