
Waterbase-TCM: Flux stations

Data Table
This page was archived on 26 Jun 2015 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-transitional-coastal-and-marine-waters-11 was published)
The FluxStations table contains the physical characteristics of the Eionet-Water transitional, coastal and marine water stations used to monitor riverine input loads, provided by national sources or Marine Conventions. Each station has been assigned a unique Waterbase identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the FluxStations with their respective Input (load) data.
European data
Table definition
Longitude Longitude (X) international geographical co-ordinates in decimal degrees format. Longitude provided using the common geodetic datum ETS89 (rivers, lakes, groundwater, water quantity) or WGS84 (TCM). Negative values used for co-ordinates west of the Greenwich Meridian (0 degrees). Where TCM stations represent a broader area, the central location of the area is provided. numeric(5) 0
Latitude Latitude (Y) international geographical co-ordinates in decimal degrees format. Latitude provided using the common geodetic datum ETS89 (rivers, lakes, groundwater, water quantity) or WGS84 (TCM). Where TCM stations represent a broader area, the central location of the area is provided. numeric(5) 0
CountryCode Country code abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating country. ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements. nvarchar(2) -1
WaterbaseID Waterbase ID internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring station for rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal and marine waters, and water quantity, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_NationalStationID (e.g. AT_RV_001), or the groundwater body, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_EWN-Code (e.g. AT_GW_AT001). nvarchar(35) -1
WaterbaseName Waterbase name national name of station or groundwater body. nvarchar(50) 0
RiverName River name national name of river. nvarchar(20) 0
CatchmentName Catchment name name of major catchment or basin. nvarchar(50) 0
WaterBodyID Water body ID national identification code of water body (if applicable) in which station is located. Water body as required/defined by the WFD. A water body may have more than one station in it. nvarchar(20) 0
WaterBodyName Water body name name of water body in which station is located. Water body as required/defined by the WFD. A water body may have more than one station in it. nvarchar(30) 0
SeaAreaName Sea area name name of the local sea into which the river discharges or in which the TCM station is located. SeaAreaName may be the same as WaterBodyName. nvarchar(20) 0
SeaRegionName Sea region name name of regional sea of which local sea area is a part. nvarchar(30) 0
SeaConventionArea Marine convention area name of Marine Convention area of which regional sea is a part. nvarchar(10) 0
Remarks Remarks remarks, comments or explanatory notes. nvarchar(255) 0
DataSource Data source source of data: Eionet, ICES, MEDPOL. nvarchar(10) 0


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