
Freshwater - Outlook 2020 (Poland)

SOER 2010 Common environmental theme (Deprecated)
This page was archived on 21 Mar 2015 with reason: A new version has been published
SOER Common environmental theme from Poland
Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 11 May 2020

The main medium-term goal until 2016 is to rationalise the management of surface water and groundwater so as to protect the national economy from water deficits, guard against flooding and increase the self-financing of water management. The priority will be to maximise the efficiency of water resources for industrial and consumer use and increase water retention.

The national environmental policy for 2009-2012 and its 2016 outlook seek to achieve and/or maintain the good quality status of all water, including the preservation and restoration of the ecological continuity of watercourses by 2015. Poland needs to reduce the total load of nitrogen and phosphorus in municipal waste water by 75 %, complete the construction of a national network of waste water treatment plants and sewage systems for all conurbations over 2 000 PE (Population equivalent)  and implement the Baltic Sea Action Programme for the protection of waters against pollution by 2015.



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