
Waterbase - TCM: QualitySedimentD

Data Table
This page was archived on 26 Jun 2015 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-transitional-coastal-and-marine-waters-11 was published)
The QualitySedimentD table contains disaggregated data on hazardous substances in sediment, measured at Eurowaternet transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring stations. Each station has been assigned a unique Waterbase identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the Quality data with their respective Stations and Pressure data.
European data
Table definition
Fraction Fraction upper limit of particle size in analysed fraction expressed in µm. Blank if whole sediment has been analysed. int(4) 0
Year Year year of aggregation period or year in which sample taken, in format YYYY. int(4) 0
Month Month month in which sample was taken, values in range 0-12 (it is possible that the month has not been supplied, in which case the value will be 0). int(4) 0
Day Day day in which sample was taken, values in range 0-31 (it is possible that the day has not been supplied, in which case the value will be 0). int(4) 0
Unit Unit unit of measurement. nvarchar(30) 0
Sampler Sampler name of sampling equipment used at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station. nvarchar(200) 0
SampleID Sample ID unique sample identifier required if multiple samples taken on same day. SampleID default value is 0. nvarchar(50) 0
CASNo Chemical abstract service number chemical abstract service number of determinand. nvarchar(20) 0
Determinand Determinand determinand name. nvarchar(200) 0
OrganicCarbon Organic carbon average organic carbon content expressed as % of total dry weight. float(8) 0
DryWetRatio Dry wet ratio ratio of dry weight to wet weight expressed as %. float(8) 0
SedimentDepth Depth of sediment depth of sediment at transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station expressed in m. float(8) 0
SedimentTop Top of sediment layer top of analysed sediment layer measured from the sediment surface expressed in cm. Value will be 0 if top of sediment layer is the sediment surface for at least one sample in the aggregate. float(8) 0
SedimentBottom Bottom of sediment layer bottom of analysed sediment layer measured from the sediment surface expressed in cm. float(8) 0
LimitOfDetection Limit of detection concentration for which there is a desirably small probability (around 5%) that the determinand will not be detected i.e. there is a 95% probability that the determinand will be detected. float(8) 0
LimitOfDetermination Limit of determination the smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). float(8) 0
Concentration Concentration concentration of determinand in sample. For observations reported as below the analytical limit, the field will contain the upper (reporting) limit. float(8) 0
LimitOfDetectionFlag Limit of detection flag flag to indicate sample below analytical limit of detection in format <. varchar(1) 0
Basis Basis basis of aggregate: D = Dry, W = Wet. varchar(1) 0
CountryCode Country Code ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements. varchar(2) 0
WaterbaseID Waterbase ID Internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring station, in the format: CountryCode_WaterDataSet_NationalStationID (e.g. GB_TCM_12345). varchar(200) -1
Graintype Grain type sediment type description if no analysis of grain size: M = Mud, FS = Fine sand, MS = Middle sand, CS = Coarse sand, G = Gravel. varchar(2) 0


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