
Waterbase - TCM: Discharges

Data Table
This page was archived on 26 Jun 2015 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-transitional-coastal-and-marine-waters-11 was published)
The Discharges table contains data on the yearly direct discharges to transitional, coastal or marine waters.
European data
Table definition
Year Year year of aggregation period or year in which sample taken, in format YYYY. int(4) 0
Unit Unit unit of measurement. nvarchar(30) 0
SeaConventionArea Sea convention area marine Convention area of which regional sea is a part: BSC, HELCOM, HELCOM/OSPAR, OSPAR, UNEP/MAP. nvarchar(100) 0
CASNo Chemical abstract service number chemical abstract service number of determinand. nvarchar(20) 0
Determinand Determinand determinand name. nvarchar(200) 0
WaterBodyName Water body name water body name as defined for the Water Framework Directive. nvarchar(200) 0
SeaAreaName Sea area name name of local sea area in which direct discharge enters. WaterBodyName and SeaAreaName may be the same. nvarchar(200) 0
SeaRegionName Sea region name name of regional sea of which sea area is a part. nvarchar(200) 0
Value Value estimated load of determinand. float(8) 0
Method Method of estimation OutY = Calculations including outlier values, OutN = Calculations excluding outlier values, FloodY = Calculations accounting for flood events, FloodN = Calculations not accounting for flood events, XSS = Loads calculated by extrapolation from concentrations (of micropollutants) in suspended sediment, Other = Other methods. varchar(20) 0
CountryCode Country code ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements. varchar(2) 0
DischargeType Discharge type I = Industrial, M = Municipal, T = Total. varchar(1) 0
Estimate Estimate type L = Lower estimate based on treating determinand values that are less than the limits of detection as zero, U = Upper estimate based on treating determinand values that are less than the limits of detection as equivalent to limit of detection value, X = Unspecified. varchar(1) 0


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