
Waterbase - Groundwater (4 tables)

Data Table
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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This page was archived on 16 Jun 2014 with reason: Other (Access to earlier versions of Waterbase-Groundwater data files have been restricted to authorised users only.)
Dataset contains data selected from reporting of member and collaborating countries on chemical quality of groundwater, characteristics of groundwater bodies and sampling sites. Reported data have been assessed and processed by the ETC/ICM and the EEA. Disaggregated records were annually aggregated by groundwater body, substance and year, and statistic value calculated. ***WARNING:*** Records, where errors and other quality issues and inconsistencies have been detected, have been removed from the dataset only in the most severe cases (missing primary key values, duplicates...). The other "problematic" records are left in. Each data table contains a set of special QA fields which are used to flag the particular quality issues detected in the individual records. The QA fields and flag codes are described in the QA documentation.
European data
Table definition

Groundwater Body Characteristics and Pressures (Waterbase_groundwater_v13_Bodies, 7559 records)

Physical characteristics and proxy pressures on groundwater bodies.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
Waterbase_GWBcode Internally produced, unique, Waterbase compatible identifier of groundwater body. [CountryCode] + "_GWB_" + [GWBcode_WFD] (or GWBcode_EIONET if GWBcode_WFD code has not been provided) text(50)
GWBcode_WFD International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated according to the Water Framework Directive, Article 5 and under which it was reported to the European Commission. text(50)
GWBcode_EIONET International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated for the use within the EIONET. text(50)
GWBname Name of the groundwater body text(255)
Reference_year Last year of revision or update of the groundwater body characteristics. long
GWNo_of_Horizon Vertical position of a groundwater horizon in which the groundwater body is situated. long
NationalGWBcode Nationally assigned identifier of the groundwater body. text(50)
RBDcode River Basin District Code text(50)
RBDname Name of the River Basin District. text(150)
RBD_SubUnitCode River Basin District Sub Unit code. text(50)
Area Area of the groundwater body in km2. single
Depth_to_GW_Min Minimum depth from the surface to the top of the groundwater body in m. single
Depth_to_GW_Mean Mean depth from the surface to the top of the groundwater body in m. single
Depth_to_GW_Max Maximum depth from the surface to the top of the groundwater body in m. single
Thickness_Min Minimum thickness of the groundwater body in m. single
Depth_to_GW_period Monitoring period (time span) for which the Minimum / Mean / Maximum Depth to Groundwater Body was determined. text(9)
Thickness_Mean Mean thickness of the groundwater body in m. single
Thickness_Max Maximum thickness of the groundwater body in m. single
Max_Width Maximum width of the groundwater body perpendicular to groundwater flow direction in km. single
Max_Length Maximum length of flow path within the groundwater body in km. single
Petrographic_Description Short petrographic description of the dominant components of the stratigraphy of the groundwater body. memo
Stratigraphy Description of the stratigraphy (geological period) of the groundwater body. text(255)
Main_aquifer_type Predominant aquifer type. text(150)
Overlying_Strata Description of the groundwater body's overlying strata. text(255)
Associated_Aquatic_Ecosystems_Purpose Description of the aquatic ecosystems associated with the groundwater body. text(255)
Hydraulic_Conductivity_Min Minimum hydraulic conductivity of the groundwater as a kf-value. single
Hydraulic_Conductivity_Mean Mean hydraulic conductivity of the groundwater as a kf-value. single
Hydraulic_Conductivity_Max Maximum hydraulic conductivity of the groundwater as a kf-value. single
Annual_GW_Level_Amplitude_Min Minimum of the range between the lowest and highest groundwater level within a year in m. single
Annual_GW_Level_Amplitude_Mean Mean of the range between the lowest and highest groundwater level within a year in m. single
Annual_GW_Level_Amplitude_Max Maximum of the range between the lowest and highest groundwater level within a year in m. single
Annual_GW_Level_Amplitude_period Monitoring period (time span) for which the Minimum / Mean / Maximum Annual Groundwater Level Amplitude was determined. text(9)
Annual_Precipitation_Min Minimum long term annual precipitation over the groundwater body area in mm. single
Annual_Precipitation_Mean Mean long term annual precipitation over the groundwater body area in mm. single
Annual_Precipitation_Max Maximum long term annual precipitation over the groundwater body area in mm. single
Water_Abstractions Information, whether water is abstracted from the groundwater body. text(3)
Water_Abstractions_Purpose Purpose for which water is abstracted from the groundwater body. text(255)
Artificial_Recharge Information, whether the groundwater body is artifically recharged. text(3)
Artificial_Recharge_Purpose Purpose for the artificial recharge of the groundwater body. text(255)
Main_Recharge_Source Main source recharging the groundwater body, as defined in the codelist. text(100)
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Physical Characteristics of Groundwater Monitoring Stations (Waterbase_groundwater_v13_Stations, 24202 records)

Physical characteristics of the WISE-SoE groundwater monitoring stations.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
Waterbase_StationID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier of the groundwater monitoring station CountryCode + '_GW_' + StationID text(70)
StationID International identifier of the groundwater monitoring station. text(70)
Waterbase_GWBcode Internally produced, unique, Waterbase compatible identifier of groundwater body. [CountryCode] + "_GWB_" + [GWBcode_WFD] (or GWBcode_EIONET if GWBcode_WFD code has not been provided) text(50)
GWBcode_WFD International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated according to the Water Framework Directive, Article 5 and under which it was reported to the European Commission. text(50)
GWBcode_EIONET International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated for the use within the EIONET. text(50)
NationalStationID Identifier of the monitoring station, unique at the national level. text(100)
NationalStationName National name of the monitoring station text(150)
WFD_EU_CD Unique international identifier of the monitoring station under which the station was reported as WFD Art.8 monitoring station. text(50)
WFDstation_country Specification yes / no, whether the monitoring station was reported to European Commission as Water Framework Directive, Article 8 monitoring station. text(3)
WFDstation_ETC Information, whether the station was mapped by ETC Water as WFD Art.8 station yes/no text(3)
Longitude International geographical longitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
Latitude International geographical latitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
Type_of_use A code of type of use of groundwater. DRW - drinking water, IND - industrial supply, OTH - other Use, SUR - surveillance text(20)
well_or_spring Code informing whether the sampling site is well or spring. S - spring, T - shaft, W - well text(1)
FirstUsage Date, when the earliest disaggregated data record stored in the working database was sampled in this station. date/time
LastUsage Date, when the latest disaggregated data record stored in the working database was sampled in this station. date/time
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Chemical Quality of Groundwater (Waterbase_groundwater_v13_Quality, 628747 records)

Annualy aggregated data on selected chemical substances in groundwater bodies, including information on the number and type of sampling sites, the monitoring frequency, the number of sampling sites for each range of concentration values and statistics.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
Waterbase_GWBcode Internally produced, unique, Waterbase compatible identifier of groundwater body. [CountryCode] + "_GWB_" + [GWBcode_WFD] (or GWBcode_EIONET if GWBcode_WFD code has not been provided) text(50)
GWBcode_WFD International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated according to the Water Framework Directive, Article 5 and under which it was reported to the European Commission. text(50)
GWBcode_EIONET International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated for the use within the EIONET. text(50)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
AggregationPeriod Period of aggregation of measurement data. text(20)
DeterminandName Name of the determinand. text(150)
DeterminandCode Internal identification number of the determinand monitored long
CASNumber Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(64)
Unit Unit of Measurement text(50)
NumberOfSites Total number of sampling sites within aggregation period. long
Drinking_Water_Sites Number of sampling sites used for drinking water purposes. long
Industrial_Sites Number of sampling sites used for industrial purposes. long
Surveillance_Sites Number of sampling sites used for surveillance purposes. long
Other_Sites Number of sampling sites used for other purposes. long
SamplingFrequency Average frequency that the sampling sites were monitored during the aggregation period. single
NumberOfSamples Number of samples included in aggregated data. long
NoOfSamplesBelowLODorLOQ Number of samples below Limit of Detection or below Limit of Quantification included in aggregated data. long
LimitOfDetection Concentration for which there is a desirably small probability (around 5%) that the determinand will not be detected i.e. there is a 95% probability that the determinand will be detected. single
LimitOfQuantification The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). single
Minimum Minimum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Mean Mean concentration value of aggregated data. single
Maximum Maximum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Median Median concentration value of aggregated data. single
Class_1 The number of Class 1 sampling sites. The Class 1 sampling sites are sites where average concentration of disaggregated values within the aggregation period, for the respective determinands, are as follows: Ammonium <= 0.1 mg/l, Dissolved Oxygen <= 2 mg/l, Nitrate <= 10 mg/l, Nitrite <= 0.01 mg/l, Pesticides <= 0.1 µg/l and at least one sample above LOD or LOQ, Hazardous substances <= LOD or LOQ long
Class_2 The number of Class 2 sampling sites. The Class 2 sampling sites are sites where average concentration of disaggregated values within the aggregation period, for the respective determinands, are as follows: Ammonium between > 0.1 and <= 0.3 mg/l, Dissolved Oxygen between > 2 and <= 5 mg/l, Nitrate between > 10 and <= 25 mg/l, Nitrite between > 0.01 and <= 0.03 mg/l, Hazardous substances <= [Drinking water threshold] and at least one sample above LOD or LOQ long
Class_3 The number of Class 3 sampling sites. The Class 3 sampling sites are sites where average concentration of disaggregated values within the aggregation period, for the respective determinands, are as follows: Ammonium between > 0.3 and <= 0.5 mg/l, Dissolved Oxygen > 5 mg/l, Nitrate between > 25 and <= 50 mg/l, Nitrite between > 0.03 and <= 0.06 mg/l, Hazardous substances > [Drinking water threshold] long
Class_4 The number of Class 4 sampling sites. The Class 4 sampling sites are sites where average concentration of disaggregated values within the aggregation period, for the respective determinands, are as follows: Ammonium > 0.5 mg/l, Nitrate > 50 mg/l, Nitrite between > 0.06 and <= 0.1 mg/l long
Class_5 The number of Class 5 sampling sites. The Class 5 sampling sites are sites where average concentration of disaggregated values within the aggregation period, for the respective determinands, are as follows: Nitrite > 0.1 mg/l long
AggregatedBy Subject(s) that aggregated the data. text(20)
QA_MVissues Quality assessment field - main meassurement value issue flag. A code identifying an issue or an error in the main meassurement value of the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(150)
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Saltwater Intrusion (Waterbase_groundwater_v13_Saltwater_intrusion, 105 records)

Data on occurrences of saltwater intrusion caused by groundwater over-exploitation.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
Waterbase_SALTcode Internally produced, unique, Waterbase compatible identifier of groundwater body. [CountryCode] + "_SWI_" + [SALT code] text(50)
SALTcode Unique identifier of the area indicating the occurrence of saltwater intrusion. text(50)
Waterbase_GWBcode Internally produced, unique, Waterbase compatible identifier of groundwater body. [CountryCode] + "_GWB_" + [GWBcode_WFD] (or GWBcode_EIONET if GWBcode_WFD code has not been provided) text(50)
GWBcode_WFD International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated according to the Water Framework Directive, Article 5 and under which it was reported to the European Commission. text(50)
GWBcode_EIONET International, unique identifier of the groundwater body which was delineated for the use within the EIONET. text(50)
Reference_year Last year of revision or update of the saltwater intrusion area characteristics. long
Longitude International geographical longitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
Latitude International geographical latitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
SALTarea Area affected by saltwater intrusion in km2. single
Cause The primary reason for the saltwater intrusion in the groundwater body. text(255)
Since Year when saltwater intrusion started. long
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of issues detected in the saltwater intrusion area spatial data. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo


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