
Sites data table

Data Table
This page was archived on 31 Oct 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/nationally-designated-areas-national-cdda-9 was published)
Table contains main information (name, location, area, IUCN category etc) of each individual designated area at national level.
European data
Table definition
Altitude_max The maximum altitude (meters) above the sea level within the site boundaries float(8) 0
Lat Latitudes, geographical coordinate in decimal degrees float(8) 0
Lon Longitudes, geographical coordinate in decimal degrees float(8) 0
Site_code Unique record identifier within the CDDA data base for nationally designated areas float(8) -1
Size Site surface area in ha float(8) 0
Altitude_min The minimum altitude (meters) above the sea level within the site boundaries float(8) 0
Nuts Administrative Region Code according to the coding system of EUROSTAT nvarchar(5) 0
Year Year of establishment. Year when the site was created under current designation nvarchar(4) 0
Desig_abbr National designation type code nvarchar(5) -1
Areaname Site name as given in local language nvarchar(120) 0
IUCNCAT IUCN management category (see look-up table IUCN categories) nvarchar(4) -1
Site_code_nat National site code unique record identifier in the national source database nvarchar(12) 0
Parent_iso ISO 3 characters country code nvarchar(6) 0
Iso3 ISO 3 characters country code (in case of overseas territories, code of those) nvarchar(3) 0


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