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Extreme fl oods are the most common type of natural disaster in Europe. Climate change, including the increasing intensity of heavy rainfall, is projected to make extreme river fl oods even more frequent in some areas, especially in central, northern and northeastern Europe. In particular, the number of sudden, localised but severe fl oods — fl ash fl oods — is expected to rise, which is also likely to increase the risk of casualties. Action to prevent fl ooding and to reduce its impact is needed. Some countries are already taking initiatives. Recognising the often transboundary nature of fl oods and fl ood prevention, the European Commission has recently proposed concerted action on fl ood risk management.
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Briefing No 1/2005
Extreme fl oods are the most common type of natural disaster in Europe. Climate change, including the increasing intensity of heavy rainfall, is projected to make extreme river fl oods even more frequent in some areas, especially in central, northern and northeastern Europe. In particular, the number of sudden, localised but severe fl oods — fl ash fl oods — is expected to rise, which is also likely to increase the risk of casualties. Action to prevent fl ooding and to reduce its impact is needed. Some countries are already taking initiatives. Recognising the often transboundary nature of fl oods and fl ood prevention, the European Commission has recently proposed concerted action on fl ood risk management.


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Filed under: floods, rivers
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