
EEA/SKI/05/001 - European Environment Agency's support to EECCA countries in the field of monitoring of quality and quantity of water resources

Call For Tender Published 28 Jul 2005

DK-Copenhagen: European Environment Agency's support to EECCA countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) in the field of monitoring of quality and quantity of water resources

2005/S 142-140914

Contract notice


Section I: Contracting authority
Official name and address of the contracting authority:
 European Environment Agency, Att: Ms Adriana Gheorghe, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen. Tel.: (45) 33 36 72 05. Fax: (45) 33 36 71 28. E-mail:; URL:
Address from which further information can be obtained:
 As in I.1.
Address from which documentation may be obtained:
 As in I.1.
Address to which tenders/requests to participate must be sent:
 As in I.1.
Type of contracting authority:
 EU institution.

Section II: Object of the contract
Type of service contract:
 Service category: 27.
Is it a framework agreement?
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:
 European Environment Agency's support to EECCA countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) in the field of monitoring of quality and quantity of water resources.
Description/object of the contract:
The project's objective is to support the electronic exchange of the existing river water quality data available throughout the region using Reportnet tools. Specific activities:
a) assessment needs for priority investments;
b) training and capacity building in the field of water management;
c) support to the 5 selected EECCA countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine) in water reporting;
d) additional data collection in the field of water.
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):  
Other relevant nomenclature (CPA/NACE/CPC)
Division into lots:
Will variants be accepted?:
Quantity or scope of the contract
Total quantity or scope
 The maximum budget available for work on the above tasks, including travel and subsistence, is EUR 230 000.
Duration of the contract or time limit for completion:
 16 months from the award of the contract.

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Conditions relating to the contract
Deposits and guarantees required
Conditions for participation
Information concerning the personal situation of the contractor, supplier or service provider and information and formalities necessary for the evaluation of the minimum economic, financial and technical capacity required:
 Candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from participation in a procurement procedure if:
(a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
(b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;
(c) they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;
(d) they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
(e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests;
(f) they have been convicted for an environmental offence in the exercise of the profession;
(g) following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations.
Exclusion from awarding:
Contracts may not be awarded to candidates or tenderers who, during the procurement procedure:
(a) are subject to a conflict of interest;
(b) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this information.
Legal position - means of proof required:  
(a) Identification sheet (see tender documents);
(b) Copy of inscription in trade register, where applicable, and a copy of inscription in VAT registers.
Economic and financial capacity - means of proof required:  
(a) Appropriate statements from banks or evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance;
(b) The presentation of balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last two years for which accounts have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established;
(c) A statement of overall turnover and turnover concerning the services covered by the contract during a period which may be no more than the last three financial years.
Technical capacity - means of proof required:  
(a) The educational and professional qualifications of the service provider or contractor and/or those of the firm's managerial staff and, in particular, those of the person or persons responsible for providing the services;
(b) a list of the principal services provided in the past three years, with the sums, dates and recipients, public or private;
(c) a statement of the service provider's average annual manpower and the number of managerial staff for the last three years;
(d) a description of the service measures for ensuring quality;
(e) an indication of the proportion of the contract which the service provider may intend to subcontract.
Conditions specific to services contracts
Provision of the service reserved to a specific profession?
Will legal entities be required to state the names and professional qualifications of the personnel responsible for execution of the contract?

Section IV: Procedure
Type of procedure:
Award crieria:
 The most economically advantageous tender in terms of criteria as stated in contract documents.
Administrative information
Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority:
Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional documents
 Obtainable until: 29.8.2005.
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
Dispatch of invitations to tender to selected candidates
Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn up:
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain its tender:
 6 months from the deadline stated for receipt of tenders.
Conditions for opening tenders
Persons authorized to be present at the opening of tenders (where applicable):
 EEA's representatives and one representative of each tenderer. Please inform Ms Adriana Gheorghe by separate e-mail if you wish to attend the opening.
Date, time and place:
 12.9.2005 (11.00).
EEA premises.

Section VI: Other information
Non-mandatory notice:
The contract relates to a project/programme financed by EU funds:?
Support to the European Environment Agency data collection in EECCA.
Additional information:
 Suspension clause.
This tender procedure is launched before the signature of the financing agreement between the European Commission and the European Environment Agency. The award of that contract is therefore subject to the conclusion of the financing agreement and the provision of funding. The tender will be annulled if the financing agreement is not signed. < br/>
Date of dispatch of this notice:


Annex 1 - Declaration on Exclusion Criteria

Annex 2 - Identification Sheet

Annex 3 - Reimbursement of travel expenses

Annex 4 - Declaration of Availability

Invitation to Tender TACIS water component

Tender Specifications TACIS water component

Draft Contract TACIS water component

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