

Estimated global warming at which the onset of the events could occur versus their impact

Figure Created 17 Feb 2011 Published 24 Feb 2011 Last modified 16 Jan 2018
1 min read
Temperature increase (above 1990 level) at which the various events could occur and an estimate of their impact. The impact scale has subjective qualifications (‘minor’, ‘notable’, ‘major’ and ‘devastating’), which were assigned on the basis of the geographical scale (from ‘regional’ to ‘continental’ and ‘global’) and the character of the damages (‘light’, ‘moderate’, ‘heavy’ or ‘extreme’). The level of scientific understanding, as well as the understanding of possible impacts for most of these events is low. The shapes and sizes of the ovals do not represent uncertainties in impact and temperature onset of eventualities and these uncertainties may be significant.


Additional information

This figure covers the Greenland ice sheet, the West Antartic ice sheet and the North Atlantic Meridional overturning circulation.

The shapes and sizes of the ovals do not represent uncertainties in the impact and temperature onset of eventualities. These uncertainties may be significant.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage

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