
Air pollution - Outlook 2020 (Spain)

SOER 2010 Common environmental theme (Deprecated)
This page was archived on 21 Mar 2015 with reason: A new version has been published
SOER Common environmental theme from Spain
Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 11 May 2020

The table below summarises the principal results of greenhouse gas emission projections and shows how far Spain is from achieving its Kyoto Protocol targets. It presents three different emission projection scenarios — baseline (without measures), base (with measures) and target (with additional measures). Compliance with the second scenario and the emission data estimated for 2008 indicate Spain will meet its Kyoto commitments.

GHG projections table

The national emission projections built up on emission inventory 1990-2007 have been provisionally updated (please note this provisional update does not constitute a new official edition) taking into account the methodological improvements incorporated into emission inventory 1990-2008. According to this update, expected 2008–2012 average annual emissions are 32.81% above the base year of KP.

GHG Projections

In Spain, the national emission ceilings established by Directive 2001/81/EC for 2010 are set at 847 kt of NOx, 662 kt of NMVOCs, 746 kt of SOx and 353 kt of NH3. The following table summarises the emission projections for air pollutants according to the National Emissions Ceiling Directive and compares the emission projections in each of the three scenarios for all four pollutants.

The 'Projection of Air Pollutant Emissions in Spain. Summary', published in December 2009, provides a comprehensive analysis of the emission projections for each pollutant and of the measures proposed in each scenario. 

Pollutants projections table






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The country assessments are the sole responsibility of the EEA member and cooperating countries supported by the EEA through guidance, translation and editing.

Filed under: SOER2010, air pollution
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