

Various human health risks in relation to development and economic growth and Causes of death

Figure Created 17 Dec 2010 Published 17 Dec 2010 Last modified 29 Nov 2012
1 min read
Top graph: From traditional to modern health risks, this “health transition” scheme describes the relation between development and health, distinguishing behavioural risks and the correlated diseases and death causes. Some risks are specifically related to developing countries (blue part of the scheme), others are typically worrying in developed countries (brown part) and some occur everywhere (blue and brown intersection). Bottom graph: Comparison between 2008 and 2030 projected causes of death for 2 income groups.showing the growing projected imoortance of cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

European data


Additional information

The top graph covers the world today.

The bottom graph covers 2 world regions: low income countries and high income countries (IMF grouping) in 2008 and 2030.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage
