

Percentage change in end user energy taxes between 1991 and 2004 or 2005

Figure Created 12 Nov 2009 Published 12 Nov 2009 Last modified 29 Nov 2012
1 min read
Tax changes are between 1991 and 2004 for gasoline and diesel and between 1991 and 2005 for electricity and gas



Additional information

Eurostat collects price data on gas and electricity for different consumer categories (see metadata) and presents these in three forms: 1) prices without taxes, 2) prices without VAT and 3) prices with all taxes included. The tax component of energy prices for households is calculated by subtracting prices without taxes from prices including all taxes. For industry, it is calculated by subtracting prices without taxes from prices without VAT. For the transport fuels data is provided by DG Tren (European Commission) in a similar form and the same calculations as for households are applied. All taxes have been deflated to constant prices using the 1995 GDP deflator.


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