

Intended (2008–2012) and actual (2008–2009) average annual use of the Kyoto mechanisms

Figure Created 14 Oct 2010 Published 14 Oct 2010 Last modified 29 Nov 2012
2 min read

European data


Additional information

  • A positive value indicates that the country has/intends to acquire the different types of Kyoto units. A negative value

indicates that a country has/intends to sell allowances.

  • Actual use of Kyoto mechanisms is based on delivery of units according to the SEF table. Countries might have acquired

more units than are recorded in the SEF tables, e.g. due to delivery dates later in the commitment period. Due to the late

start of national and ETS registries in some countries, it was not possible to assess the actual delivery/sale of units in 2008.

Therefore the average delivery/sale of units for the years 2008 and 2009 was used. For the United Kingdom, SEF tables

include the over-seas territories and the crown dependencies of the United Kingdom. For the purposes of the implementation

of Article 4 of the Kyoto Protocol and as not they are not part of the EC, the over-seas territories and the crown dependencies

of the United Kingdom were excluded from the initial assigned amount of the United Kingdom under the EC. In consequence,

the trade of AAU is slightly overestimated for the United Kingdom, as SEF tables for the geographical coverage of the United

Kingdom under the EC only are not available.


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