

Trend in crop water deficit of grain maize during the growing season

Figure Created 24 Jun 2016 Published 20 Dec 2016 Last modified 28 Mar 2022
2 min read
Annual rate of change of the crop water deficit of grain maize during the growing season for the period 1985-2014 in Europe. The crop water deficit is the difference between the crop-specific water requirement (in this case grain maize) and available water through precipitation. The simulation is based on the JRC-MARS gridded meteorological data at 25 km resolution. Red colours show an increase of the gap between crop water requirement and the available water, blue colours indicate a reduction of the deficit. Areas where the seasonal crop water requirement exceeds regularly (i.e. in more than 90 % of the years) the available water (through precipitation) have been marked by hatches. Areas without hatches experience both deficit and surplus or only a surplus of water in their crop water balance. In this case, red colours refer to a reduced surplus, while blue colours indicate an increasing surplus of available water.

European data


Additional information

The resulting simulations are provided in geotiff file (trend values) and shapefile. The shapefile contains the information on the regions where the crop water requirement during the same period (1985-2014) frequently (i.e. in more than 90 % of years) exceeds the total rainfall during the growing season. The scientific publication presenting these results is in preparation.


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